Мезоботокс: эффективность процедуры и техника выполнения

Minimally invasive cosmetic procedures have been among the most effective and sought after in cosmetology for many years. Especially popular are botulinum toxin injections for wrinkle correction, as well as the mesotherapy procedure, which helps to significantly improve skin condition. Not so long ago, experts thought: why not combine these two techniques?

In this article on estet-portal.com you will learn what mesobotox is, and in what cases it is recommended and how this procedure is carried out. The latest, relevant and interesting information for specialists and patients only on our portal.

Mesobotox: effectiveness of botulinum toxin + safety of mesotherapy

Injections of botulinum toxin preparations are currently perhaps the most effective method of combating wrinkles, however, patients and specialists are invariably associated with possible complications. At the same time, the mesotherapy procedure – it is a safe and fairly effective method of correcting age-related and other skin changes.

Mesobotox – this is a relatively new technique that harmoniously combines two popular methods: mesotherapy and botulinum toxin injections.

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With its help, you can achieve a pronounced effect of correcting fine wrinkles, while excluding the negative effects of botulinum toxin.


  • what is mesobotox and what is the effectiveness of this procedure;
  • indications and technique for performing the mesobotox procedure;
  • recommendations for patients after mesobotox procedure.

What is mesobotox and what is the effectiveness of this procedure



The mesobotox procedure is based on the intradermal injection of botulinum toxin preparations in combination with mesotherapeutic agents, due to which individual muscle fibers woven into the layers of the skin are affected. Thus, small wrinkles in areas with thin skin are smoothed out, but deep muscles are not affected and the severity of their facial functions is not reduced.

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Mesobotox may involve injections of exclusively botulinum toxin mesotherapeutic method, however, the additional introduction of mesotherapeutic agents makes it possible to increase blood supply and tissue nutrition, as well as improve turgor, color and skin elasticity.

Indications and technique for performing the mesobotox procedure

Mesobotox procedure can be indicated for patients in the following cases:

  • if there are small wrinkles on the forehead, bridge of the nose and between the eyebrows;
  • for crow's feet correction at the outer corners of the eyes;
  • to eliminate fine wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle, on the neck and in the "décolleté" area;
  • if there are contraindications to the classical administration of botulinum toxin preparations.

Botulinum toxin preparations are administered by intradermal injections to a depth of 2 mm, after which papules are formed. Within a few days, the drug is resorbed and the transmission of nerve impulses to individual muscle fibers is blocked. In just a few days after the procedure, the traces of injections disappear, and the effect of mesobotox lasts for for 6-8 months.

Recommendations for patients after mesobotox procedure

The mesobotox procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require prior preparation, however, after it, some recommendations should be provided to the patient:

  • within 4 hours after the procedure, it is necessary to maintain a vertical position of the body;
  • within 1 hour after the procedure, the mimic muscles of the face must be included in the work;
  • it is very important to protect the skin from sun exposure for at least 3 days after the procedure;
  • thermal exposure to the face is contraindicated: visiting a sauna or bath, washing with hot or warm water after the procedure;
  • Aminoglycosides, tranquilizers and sedatives after mesobotox are also excluded.

The modern therapeutic technique of mesobotox makes it possible to smooth mimic wrinkles, preserving the functions of mimic muscles and avoiding the negative effects of Botox.

Due to its high efficiency and the absence of side effects, the mesobotox procedure can be actively used as anti-age therapy

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