Нет морщинам скорби: эффективные методы коррекции морщин марионеток

The best decoration for any face — it's a beautiful smile. Unfortunately, with age there is an overstretching of the perioral muscles, thinning of the subcutaneous fat, a decrease in turgor and skin elasticity. As a result, so-called wrinkles of grief or marionette wrinkles appear. 

Correction of these changes is most often done with dermal fillers. On estet-portal.com read about the main advantages of this method of correction, as well as effective drugs to eliminate changes in the perioral area.

Effective methods for correcting marionette wrinkles

Puppet wrinkles most often occur as a result of dystrophic changes at the level of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus. In this regard, the methods of correction of wrinkles of grief are aimed at restoring the collagen framework of the skin and the tone of the perioral muscles. For this, myostimulation, laser therapy and RF therapy are used.  

One of the safest and most effective methods of wrinkle correction with puppets — this is a correction with dermal fillers.

PhillexTM fillers, marketed by Medhome Trading House, contain spherical hyaluronic acid molecules with a highly organized and dense lattice.

This makes them ideal for the correction of marionette wrinkles, as they effectively resist compression load and provide a long-lasting correction effect.

Puppet wrinkles:

1. main causes of marionette wrinkles;

2.effective methods to prevent marionette wrinkles;

3. correction of marionette wrinkles with fillers.

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The main causes of marionette wrinkles

Among the factors influencing the appearance of marionette wrinkles, the most important are:
•    exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
•    presence of bad habits;
•    dramatic weight loss;
•    low facial muscle tone;
•    change in hormonal balance;
•    genetic predisposition, which is manifested by the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus in this area.

People with deformation type of facial aging are especially prone to marionette wrinkles.

Therefore, for effective prevention and correction of grief wrinkles, it is also necessary to pay attention to the normalization of lymphatic drainage.

Effective methods to prevent marionette wrinkles

Methods for preventing the appearance of marionette wrinkles are aimed at improving the quality of the skin, maintaining facial muscle tone, improving blood circulation, and also strengthening the ligamentous apparatus.

First of all, in order to prevent the early appearance of marionette wrinkles, it is necessary to ensure optimal hydration and nutrition of the skin.

For this, products that contain emollients are best suited. A good effect as a prevention of marionette wrinkles is given by facial gymnastics, as well as hardware procedures that improve microcirculation and lymph outflow.

Puppet wrinkle correction with fillers

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid, located in the extracellular space, provide smoothing of marionette wrinkles, skin hydration, and also form a framework that maintains tissue tone.

PhillexTM fillers not only have a volumizing effect, but also help create a favorable environment for fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis.

Due to the unique 4-D matrix technology used in PhillexTM fillers, introduced by trading house Medhome, these preparations can be used both for the correction of marionette wrinkles and for contouring the entire perioral region.

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