Новости про болезнь псориаз:  возможности иммунной системы и воздействия на нее

The relevance of such a dermatological problem as psoriasis is beyond doubt, since, according to statistics, the number of patients with psoriasis in different countries reaches 7%, and the population of large millionaire cities is especially affected. The dominant role in the causes of the development of the disease is given to genetic predisposition.

However, today scientists pay special attention to what factors become the trigger mechanism in activating the process, and also what is the role of immune changes in this. Read more about this at estet-portal.com.

Factors provoking psoriasis disease and the possibilities of influencing them

Studies show that the development of psoriasis disease is often associated with coding at the chromosomal level of certain leukocyte antigens of the HLA class. This type of psoriasis develops in 65% of patients and first manifests itself at the age of about 20 years. Another type of psoriasis does not depend on leukocyte antigens and manifests itself in old age.

Another assumption about the development of psoriasis is associated with a malfunction of the gene that is responsible for the sensitivity of cells to the effects of ultraviolet radiation: in this case, the disease can proceed continuously, without remissions.

Nervous or physical stress is considered an important factor that can provoke psoriasis.

The role of neuropeptides in the development of psoriasis is considered very important, as is the trigger role of stress, which disrupts the work of the body's adaptive systems. Studies have shown that constitutional anxiety in patients with psoriasis significantly exceeds the situational one.  At the same time, under conditions of chronic stress, such patients react much more strongly to situational anxiety.

Among other factors that activate the development of psoriasis, experts call the use of certain medications, infections, local skin trauma, autonomic disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, and increased activity of lipid peroxidation.


What processes underlie the development of psoriasis disease

The essence of the process in psoriasis is that the differentiation of epidermal keratinocytes changes and the rate of cell proliferation increases, which leads to the development of immune inflammation. The greatest attention of scientists is attracted by the changes taking place in the T-cell system: in psoriasis, the number of T-helpers begins to increase significantly in the area of ​​the affected skin areas and the production of antibodies to skin fibroblasts increases.  It was also noted that tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a) plays a key role in the activation of the psoriasis process. In addition, the ability of leukocytes to produce interferon decreases, and the keratinocytes of the skin affected by psoriasis begin to produce a large amount of immunostimulatory proteins.

Study data on immune cell disturbances in psoriasis suggest possible efficacy in therapy  substances that stimulate and  simultaneously inhibiting cellular immunity.

Scientists note that both T-lymphocyte stimulation and G-cell immunity suppression have been shown to be highly effective in the treatment of psoriasis, which confirms the key role of immune disorders in this disease.

Therapeutic possibilities in the presence of psoriasis disease in modern conditions

Therapy for a patient with psoriasis is selected strictly individually, since many factors must be taken into account:

  • the clinical form of the disease and its stage,
  • prevalence of skin lesions,
  • patient's somatic status, sex and age, occupation,
  • psychological characteristics of the patient and his family circumstances.

In the stage of exacerbation, progression of psoriasis disease, local therapy with anti-inflammatory keratoplastic agents is prescribed, while excluding drugs with irritating properties or with a high concentration of active ingredients. At the regressing stage, keratolytic ointments and fatty creams, synthetic retinoids, vitamin D analogues are used. In the systemic therapy of psoriasis, desensitizers, vitamins, hepatoprotectors, psychotropic drugs, and agents for improving peripheral circulation are used. In addition, studies have recently begun on the possible use of drugs that act on & nbsp; immune system.

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