How closely do you observe the face of the person you are talking to? Surely, very carefully, because it is precisely by facial expressions and facial expressions that you can understand what thoughts are now in the head of your interlocutor. But few people know that the condition of the skin of the face can tell a lot about the health of a person, and the state of his internal organs. Edema of the eyelids – this is a condition of abnormally increased fluid content in the subcutaneous tissue of the eyelid, which is very common in clinical practice. This seemingly insignificant manifestation can be both a response to local exposure to various agents, and a sign of serious diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys and even the heart.

Characteristic features of different types of eyelid edema

Swelling of the eyelids – this is a fairly common symptom. In absolutely healthy people, a similar condition can occur, for example, after a night's sleep, if a large amount of liquid was previously drunk. The episodic occurrence of eyelid edema often does not indicate serious diseases, but constant or often recurring swelling – this is definitely cause for concern. The doctor should always carefully evaluate the appearance of the patient, since such signs often provide no less important information than, for example, instrumental or laboratory research methods. The development of eyelid edema is facilitated by the high ability of the skin of the eyelids to accumulate fluid, its significant extensibility and loose structure of the subcutaneous tissue, as well as the rich blood supply to the eyelids.

Eyelid swelling:

  • causes and characteristics of inflammatory eyelid edema;
  • clinical presentation of allergic eyelid edema;
  • what pathological conditions can cause non-inflammatory swelling of the eyelids.

Causes and characteristics of inflammatory eyelid edema

The causes of eyelid edema can be completely different, while the features of the clinical picture may well suggest what provoked fluid retention in the tissues of the eyelids. Inflammatory edema of the eyelids develops in the following cases:

  • in the inflammatory process directly to the eyelids: blepharitis, contact dermatitis, barley, abscess, and so on;
  • for some types of conjunctivitis – acute purulent, pseudomembranous and membranous;
  • with pathologies of the lacrimal sac: phlegmon, acute dacryocystitis;
  • in pathology of the lacrimal gland and orbit: pseudotumor, abscess;
  • in diseases of the eyeball: acute iridocyclitis, endophthalmitis;
  • for diseases of the paranasal sinuses.

The clinical picture of inflammatory edema is quite characteristic: the edema is often unilateral, there is a pronounced reddening of the skin, local fever and pain on palpation. Sometimes inflammatory swelling of the eyelid is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes.


Clinical picture of allergic edema of the eyelids

Allergic or angioedema of the eyelids develops as a result of an allergic reaction of a sensitized organism to various irritants, which can be specific agents: drugs, food, plant pollen, and so on, and non-specific factors, such as hypothermia. Such edema often develops in one eye, it occurs suddenly, is pronounced, is not accompanied by painful sensations and quickly disappears. Headache, fatigue and general weakness of the body precede the development of allergic eyelid edema. The treatment of this pathological condition implies, first of all, the elimination of the influence of the causative factor or contact with the irritant, then specific therapy is prescribed.

What pathological conditions can cause non-inflammatory swelling of the eyelids

Non-inflammatory or passive swelling of the eyelids occurs as a result of diseases or pathological conditions of other organs and systems of the body. It can be caused by local injuries, for example, head injuries or angioedema, or general pathologies: heart or kidney failure, severe anemia, hypoproteinemia. Edema of the eyelids of this etiology, as a rule, is bilateral, pronounced in the morning, immediately after sleep, often combined with edema of other localization: ascites, edema of the lower extremities. The skin of the eyelids in such patients is pale, there is no hyperthermia, palpation does not cause pain to the patient. To eliminate such edema is possible only by treating the underlying disease that provokes them.

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