Many women can remember their first sense of the inevitability of age-related changes, when, at the age of about 30, they first discovered fine wrinkles under their eyes. Perhaps for someone it was small rays of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, but in any case, the first visible skin defects appear in the periorbital region. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the skin in the area around the eyes and its increased sensitivity to external adverse factors. Today, there are many cosmetic and surgical techniques for the correction of wrinkles under the eyes.

The reasons why wrinkles under the eyes appear earlier than others

When a patient comes in with complaints of wrinkles under the eyes, before choosing a method for their elimination, it is necessary to investigate the reasons for which they appeared, especially if the patient is young.

The reasons why wrinkles appear under the eyes can be divided into internal and external. Internal causes include hereditary features, when, suppose, all women in the family develop crow's feet early; in the corners of the eyes. The development of wrinkles is affected by deep-set eyes, overhanging upper eyelids and other anatomical features of the face.

The patient's active, lively facial expressions can be considered an internal cause, which contributes to the early development of a network of wrinkles under the eyes. In addition, some diseases that lead to increased dryness of the skin also contribute to the appearance of early wrinkles. If the patient belongs to the older age category, then we can already talk about age-related morphological changes in the structure of the skin – and in this case, the methods of dealing with wrinkles under the eyes will be special, depending on the degree of manifestation of these changes.

External causes of wrinkles under the eyes may be of the following nature:

  • irrational mode (lack of sleep, stress, chronic fatigue);
  • smoking;
  • malnutrition;
  • excessive sun exposure;
  • poor-quality cosmetics, improper home care for the area around the eyes;
  • sitting in front of a computer for a long time or eye strain when reading or writing.

All external causes either tighten the muscle fibers under the eyes too much, disrupting blood circulation in this area, or contribute to excessive stretching of thin skin, or dry it out, and therefore contribute to the formation of wrinkles.


How to reduce wrinkles under the eyes, depending on the reasons for their appearance

The process of formation of age wrinkles under the eyes is explained by the peculiarities of the structure of the skin in this area: there is very little subcutaneous fat (moreover, it is loose and therefore prone to the formation of edema), sebaceous or sweat glands, elastin and collagen fibers are located in the form of a rare mesh , and the blood vessels come very close to the surface. Its role in the accelerated skin aging process  the natural mobility of the eyes, which are constantly in dynamics, also plays in this area. All these features have to be taken into account when choosing a set of methods for the patient to combat wrinkles under the eyes.

Since the appearance of wrinkles under the eyes is often the result of insufficient or improper skin care  in this delicate area, as well as increased dryness of the skin, mesotherapy procedures, cosmetic correction and the preparation of an individual home care plan give a good effect in the first stages in young patients.

Botulinum toxin injections may be recommended to eliminate active expression lines under the eyes. It is possible to combine laser techniques with cosmetic care. For older patients, contouring with the use of hyaluronic acid fillers is recommended, as well as blepharoplasty, which allows you to make significant adjustments in the periorbital region and have a rejuvenating effect.

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