The advent of computers has radically changed the attitude of a person towards a variety of things around him, including himself. To this day, there are disputes in the world about whether such a widespread use of computer technology is good or bad for humanity. Representatives of various fields of science and medicine have an unequivocal opinion on this matter: computers help us. Computed tomography, as one of the most informative diagnostic methods, gives doctors the opportunity to detect pathological processes at stages that are almost impossible to diagnose using other methods. What information can be obtained today during a CT scan of the adrenal glands – tells  

How to suspect the disease on the results of CT of the adrenal glands

Computed tomography – this is one of the x-ray examination methods that is performed by analyzing changes in x-ray radiation from various positions around the patient.

CT of the adrenal glands makes it possible to obtain a direct image of these endocrine organs, clearly determine their size, structure, shape, location and relationship with other organs.

Computer tomography can detect pathological changes in the adrenal glands, make a differential diagnosis between malignant and benign neoplasms, and also determine the degree of invasiveness of neoplasms in relation to surrounding tissues.

CT of the adrenal glands:

  • how pathologically unchanged organs look on CT of the adrenal glands;
  • signs of diffuse and nodular hyperplasia on CT scan of the adrenal glands;
  • signs of benign and malignant neoplasms on CT of the adrenal glands.

What pathologically unchanged organs look like on CT scan of the adrenal glands

The adrenal glands are a paired organ of the endocrine system, which is located in the retroperitoneal space above the upper poles of the kidneys at the level of 11-12 thoracic vertebrae. Signs of pathologically unchanged organs during CT of the adrenal glands are as follows:

  • on axial sections, the right adrenal gland has a linear shape, and the left – inverted Y-shaped or triangular;
  • Normal length of the adrenal glands is from 2.1 to a maximum of 5 cm, while the right adrenal gland is longer than the left, and the left – wider than right;
  • thickness of the left adrenal pedicle – up to 6 mm., right – up to 5 mm;
  • cortex, medulla and adrenal capsule are not visualized on native sections;
  • the intensity and structure of the shadow of the adrenal glands is homogeneous, less often - cellular-granular;
  • contours of normal adrenal glands are clear, even, differentiated from surrounding tissues.

Signs of diffuse and nodular hyperplasia on CT scan of the adrenal glands

Diffuse or nodular hyperplasia of organs can be established quite easily during CT scan of the adrenal glands. With diffuse hyperplasia, one or both adrenal glands increase in size, their legs thicken, the density and length of organs increase, the structure becomes inhomogeneous, and the contours – fuzzy. With nodular hyperplasia of the adrenal glands, according to the results of computed tomography, one can see a spindle-shaped thickening of the organs with nodules or a gross tumor-like change in their shape. The contours of the adrenal glands also become uneven – macronodular hyperplasia is observed.


Signs of benign and malignant neoplasms on CT of the adrenal glands

Adenomas of these organs are well visualized on CT of the adrenal glands. They have a rounded, spindle-shaped or ovoid shape, as well as smooth and clear contours. Adrenal cancer or metastatic organ damage is characterized by their heterogeneous increase, irregular shape, or infiltration into neighboring organs. Areas of reduced density, especially in the central part of the organ, can be regarded as decay. If a delayed adrenal scan is performed, and the washout of the contrast agent with a delay of 15 minutes occurs by less than 40%, it is highly likely that the neoplasm is malignant.

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