Стопа атлета: симптомы и лечение эпидермофитии

Athlete — This is a disease of a fungal nature that is transmitted through household items. The most frequent localization of mycosis— these are the feet, less often the fungus affects the inguinal region. The source of infection is a sick person, and the spread of the disease is facilitated by predisposing factors, which include hyperhidrosis, metabolic disorders and skin trauma. Epidermophytosis affects the horny and granular layers of the epidermis, as well as the nail plates. On estet-portal.com you can learn more about this disease.

How not to miss the first signs of epidermophytosis and start treatment on time

Athlete's disease has a chronic course, exacerbations of the disease most often occur in the warm season. An additional negative effect is the wearing of tight shoes, socks and stockings made of synthetic materials. Diagnosis of the disease is based, first of all, on the features of the clinical picture: damage to the nails and skin in the form of cracks and spots. Additionally, the dermatologist uses methods such as dermatoscopy, fluorescent examination using Wood's lamp and analysis of skin scrapings for the presence of a pathogenic fungus. ;   main clinical features of epidermophytosis of the foot;
•    basic preventive measures to protect against epidermophytosis;
•    Effective and safe treatment of athlete's foot. Main clinical features of athlete's foot

The first signs of epidermophytosis
is itching

and a burning sensation in the affected area. Exacerbation of clinical manifestations occurs during walking. Objective manifestations include:

•    appearance of cracks in the interdigital spaces;

•    formation of small bubbles prone to coalescence;

•    erosion that occurs after the opening of the bubbles;•    the presence of crusts under which wounds heal.
The most severe complications of epidermophytosis — these are lymphadenitis and lymphangitis.

Addermophytosis is manifested by thickening and changes in the color and structure of the nails, & nbsp; which further leads to the destruction of the nail plate.

With epidermophytosis, the transition of the process to nearby tissues is often observed. It is also possible to attach a secondary bacterial infection, which causes more severe complications of mycosis.

My default imageTo effectively prevent epidermophytosis of the feet, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, especially in public places: baths, swimming pools and sports clubs. Secondly, prevention of foot hyperhidrosis is recommended, as well as careful care for even minimal injuries in this area. Particular attention is paid to the blood supply to the limbs. During preventive measures to prevent relapse, disinfection is carried out & nbsp; all household items. The affected areas during this period are recommended to be treated with an alcohol tincture of iodine.

Effective and safe treatment of athlete's foot

To achieve the best result, athlete's foot is treated in two stages. The first involves the removal of dead skin particles with the help of keratolytic agents, as well as the reduction of the inflammatory process with the help of antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs.

In epidermophytosis, if there is a deep lesion of the nail plate, surgical removal of the nail is performed.

At the second stage, the affected areas of the skin are treated with antifungal agents containing clotrimazole, miconazole, terbinafine or ketoconazole.

If the disease has a chronic, protracted course, systemic antimycotic drugs and longer treatment with local agents are recommended.

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