Лечение угревой сыпи: современные и эффективные терапевтические подходы

Acne, also known as "acne" - the most common chronic inflammatory disease of the sebaceous-follicular apparatus. Up to 80% of the population has this pathology in varying degrees of severity. In the development of acne, hereditary predisposition plays a certain role.

Manifestation of acne most often occurs in adolescence. Clinical manifestations typical of acne can significantly worsen the appearance of a person, as well as lead to the development of psycho-emotional disorders against this background.

Therefore, knowledge of the principles of acne treatment is useful not only for cosmetologists and dermatologists, but also for doctors of all other specializations due to the wide spread of acne among the population in our time.

For more information about what can provoke exacerbation of acne, as well as modern approaches to the treatment of the disease, read on estet-portal.com in this article.

What factors contribute to the exacerbation of acne symptoms

A key role in the development of acne disease belongs to the realization of a genetic predisposition, namely: the androgen receptor and CYP17 genes. The disease is characterized by a chronic relapsing course.

Exacerbation of acne and the appearance of a characteristic rash is facilitated by such factors as ultraviolet radiation, some cosmetics, mechanical skin injuries, psycho-emotional overstrain, hormonal imbalance.

The main component of acne treatment is the use of local therapeutic agents. Systemic acne treatment is always in addition to topical therapy and does not replace it.

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Topical treatment of acne: international recommendations for therapy

The importance of daily hygiene procedures must be explained to the patient. The skin should be cleaned with water and soap or other cosmetic product in the morning and evening every day. Drugs for topical acne therapy should be prescribed taking into account the clinical variant of the disease. According to international recommendations for the treatment of acne, the following topical treatments should be used:

  1. Comedonal acne variant: adapalene gel, tretinoin, azelaic acid (as a 20% cream or 15% gel), benzoyl peroxide as a 5% or 10% gel;
  2. Acne vulgaris: combined gel, which includes combinations of:
    1. adapalene and benzoyl peroxide;
    2. benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin;
    3. tretinoin and clindamycin.

Topical therapeutic agents must be applied to the entire acne localization area, and not just to individual morphological elements of the rash. The effect of therapy may not come immediately, but after several weeks of treatment, which should be warned by the patient in order to avoid premature interruption of the course.

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Systemic treatment of acne: the most effective schemes

Systemic acne therapy is indicated in cases of ineffectiveness of the use of only local therapeutic agents. In this case, the topical treatment of acne must not be interrupted. The most effective systemic acne therapy regimens are:

  1. First line: doxycycline 50-100 mg once a day or lymycycline 150-300 mg once a day;
  2. Alternative line: tetracycline 250-500 mg 1-2 times a day or erythromycin 250-500 mg 1-2 times a day.

It should be taken into account that the use of doxycycline and tetracycline can contribute to the occurrence of photodermatosis. Tetracyclines should not be prescribed to children under 12 years of age, as well as to women during pregnancy and lactation.

Treatment of acne is advisable to continue until all clinical manifestations of the disease are eliminated.

Thank you for staying with estet-portal.com. Read other interesting articles in the "Practice" section. You might also be interested in Acne and post-acne treatment: remodeling of the upper epidermal layer with carboxytherapy


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