Увеличение тонких губ с помощью инъекций гиалуроновой кислоты

The lip augmentation procedure with fillers is extremely popular among patients of all age categories. Despite this, volumetric changes when working with thin lips remain a challenge for many practicing cosmetologists. A natural and aesthetically pleasing result cannot be obtained without the basic conditions – knowledge of anatomy, knowledge of injection techniques, proper selection of patients. It is important to understand that even the best injection technique and the best preparation do not guarantee optimal aesthetic results if the chosen correction scheme is not suitable for the patient. In an article by estet-portal.com, practitioner Sofya Gilmanova talks about her approach to thin lips with hyaluronic acid injections.

Consultation and evaluation: how to select the ideal candidate for the procedure

At the evaluation stage, it is important to take into account the age of the patient and the aesthetic proportions of his face. Particular attention should be paid to the lower third of the face in general and the nasolabial angle in particular. If the angle between the nose and the lip is <85 degrees, and the distance from the point under the nose to the upper lip is small, lip augmentation is not recommended due to the high risk of aesthetically unsatisfactory results.

The age and skin condition of the patient influences the success of the procedure. The older the patient and the higher the degree of skin laxity, the higher the likelihood of unsatisfactory correction results.

The results of thin lips augmentation with HA fillers in patients with a shortened lower third of the face and a small chin will be unattractive.

In such cases, the author recommends a course of procedures aimed at restoring the harmony of the face, which allow:

  • open nasolabial angle;
  • correct chin profile.

If the patient has loose skin, this problem is solved on a case-by-case basis, but always before the lip augmentation procedure.

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Before injection correction, the author always warns the patient about the need to stop taking anticoagulants in advance.

Contour plastic

is not performed in the presence of herpesvirus, dental or any other infection in an active form. The procedure should be carried out only after its full permission.

HK filler characteristics for thin lips

Hyaluronic acid of low concentration is used for lip augmentation. For patient comfort during operation, the target area is pre-treated with an anesthetic cream.

Filler must have :

    low elasticity;
  • medium cohesiveness.
These characteristics of the gel are necessary for good integration and uniform distribution of the drug in the tissues. The drug should be soft and homogeneous – this simplifies the doctor's work and increases patient comfort during insertion.

Read also: NLL technique: natural lifting and lip augmentation HA

The photo shows results of thin lips augmentation with hyaluronic acid at a concentration of:

    16 mg/ml (volumizing);
  • 12 mg/ml (contour correction).
For the first procedure, the patient

injected 1.5 ml of filler.

Techniques and sequence of thin lips correction with GK filler

Linear retrograde and/or fan technique of insertion with a 30G needle is used for work.


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Step by step correction:

    Linear-retrograde filler injection along the contour of the lips (shown in red in the diagram).
  1. The development of columns and filtrum, as well as Cupid's arch in linear retrograde and/or fan technique (shown in blue on the diagram).
  2. Superficial injections into dry mucosa using similar techniques (shown in green on the diagram).
The introduction of hyaluronic acid into the correct superficial plane of the lips and adjacent areas minimizes possible complications and the risk of unwanted migration of the filler.

Do not inject more than 2 ml of filler into the lips in one procedure.
After injection, a light massage is performed for 5-10 minutes to give the drug the desired shape.

Photos before and after thin lips augmentation with hyaluronic acid injections:


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After 1 treatment


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After 4 treatments

Perfect result – when the lips look natural, dynamic, look harmonious on the face, giving it a youthful look.

You may be interested in: Side effects and complications after lip fillers

Re-examination is scheduled

2–3 weeks after the first procedure. At the appointment, the doctor demonstrates to the patient how to perform massage at home and recommends giving this procedure 5 minutes daily for a month. This allows better tissue integration and prevents the formation of fibrosis in the treated area.

For a more pronounced increase in thin lips, the author recommends hyaluronic acid injections on average

once a year. The interval between procedures should be at least 6 months, no more than 1 ml of filler is injected at a time.

Adapted from The PMFA Journal.

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