Уязвимые уста: диагностика и лечение эксфолиативного хейлита

Exfoliative cheilitis — This is a disease that affects the red border of the lips, and is accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process. There is a xerotic form of cheilitis, in which scales form on the lips, their soreness and dryness are observed. The second exudative form of exfoliative cheilitis  manifested by swelling of the lips. The disease occurs against the background of emotional upheaval, and most often occurs in women.  Read more about the manifestations of exfoliative cheilitis and methods of its treatment on estet-portal.com in this article.

Mechanism of lip involvement in exfoliative cheilitis

Changes in exfoliative cheilitis occur against the background of emotional disorders, as a result of which neurotrophic changes develop. A connection was also found between the occurrence of this disease and an increased level of thyroid hormones, while in patients & nbsp; with thyrotoxicosis, the exudative form of cheilitis is more common.

In the occurrence of exfoliative cheilitis, genetic predisposition is also important, since this disease is often detected in close relatives.

Under the influence of endocrine and neurogenic factors, connective tissue grows, macrophages and lymphocytes migrate, which leads to the development of inflammation of the red border of the lips.    main clinical symptoms of exfoliative cheilitis;
•    exfoliative cheilitis: differential diagnosis of the disease;
•    effective treatments for exfoliative cheilitis.

My default image The dry form of exfoliative cheilitis is manifested by a variety of symptoms, among which are:

•    formation of dry crusts on the lips, upon separation of which a zone of hyperemia opens;
•    increased moisture loss due to mechanical trauma to the affected skin of the lips;

•    dryness and loss of elasticity of the red border of the lips, as a result of which the risk of cracking increases;

•    Sensation of tightness of the skin of the lips.

The exudative form is manifested by significant pain and swelling of the lips. There are no signs of intoxication in dry and wet forms of cheilitis.

Exfoliative cheilitis: differential diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis of exfoliative cheilitis is made on the basis of the patient's complaints and the results of the physical examination.

Exfoliative cheilitis is clinically similar to many diseases of the lips, so it is important to make a differential diagnosis. For example, in the erosive form of lupus erythematosus, there is a more pronounced hyperemia of the lips and erosion on their surface. Eczematous cheilitis is characterized by a frequent change of relapses and remissions, it captures not only the red border of the lips, but also passes to the skin of the face. Actinic cheilitis is seasonal.

Effective treatments for exfoliative cheilitis

For effective treatment of exfoliative cheilitis, first of all, it is necessary to influence the underlying cause of its occurrence. In this case, either sedatives or agents that normalize the level of thyroid hormones are prescribed. For topical application in the dry form of the disease, moisturizing creams or hygienic lipstick are prescribed.

In case of exudative exfoliative cheilitis, adrenergic blockers are used in combination with the influence of Bucca's border rays.

Treatment of exfoliative cheilitis goes well with the use of drugs that affect the immunological reactivity of the body.

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Correction of lip disease at the predictor level: expert advice

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