
Possibilities of effective and safe application of phenol peeling

Возможности эффективного и безопасного применения фенолового пилинга

Phenol peels remain the beauty standard among peels used in aesthetic medicine. This is due to their high efficiency, especially for problematic and aging skin. Phenol peels have a real long-term rejuvenating effect. At the same time, thanks to modern trends in biochemistry and pharmacology, the toxicity of these peels is minimized, making them safe to use. Lascos and TM «Mesoestetic» offers effective and safe combined peeling Mesopeel phel TCA for aesthetic medicine professionals. Nadezhda Kroshka, an expert of the Laskos company, a cosmetologist, a maxillofacial surgeon, shared with readers of how to work with it in order to get the best results.

Reasons to choose a phenol peel

Phenol received a second youth in aesthetic medicine thanks to the Brazilian doctor Kakovich, who managed to offer a safer version of phenol peeling than before in variations of superficial, medium and deep effects on the skin.

Phenol peeling works great when working with problem skin, regulating the work of the sebaceous gland, providing antibacterial and drying effect, smoothing the texture and relief of the skin.

But I would like to pay special attention to phenol in anti-aging programs. Phenol – a truly magical substance, and here's why:
•    has estrogen properties even at low concentrations;
•    has an anabolic effect, renewing the epidermis and dermis, resulting in increased skin elasticity and hydration, increased synthesis of HA, GAG, collagen and elastin fibers;
•    has an antioxidant effect;
•    has a melanotoxic effect – inhibits the activity of melanocytes.
Phenol is the only chemical capable of retracting the skin.

Rules for the phenol peeling procedure in anti-aging programs

Lascos and TM «Mesoestetic» offer effective and safe combined Mesopeel phel TCA peeling for aesthetic medicine professionals. This peel contains 20% TCA and 10% phenol.

An important feature of Mesopeel phel TCA peeling is its base, which allows you to control the depth of penetration of the drug.  

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This product will allow aesthetic medicine professionals to put a productive end to the anti-aging program protocol. With a well-designed protocol, the patient will not receive any complications (such as skin marbling, dryness, post-traumatic pigmentation and erythema) from the phenol peel procedure.

Stage 1. Pre-preparation for the Mesopeel phel TCA procedure is a course of superficial monopeels or the use of peeling cocktails from TM «Mesoestetic» company "Laskos". The number of preparatory procedures and the type of preparatory peeling is determined by the specialist, based on the characteristics of the skin and the age of the patient (from 3 to 10 procedures). The older the patient, the thinner and more atonic the skin, the longer and richer the pre-treatment course will be.

Stage 2. Considering the adult age group of patients, ideally suited for this peeling,  appoint a medical examination. Liver, kidney and cardiovascular disorders are contraindications for this procedure.

Stage 3. To prolong and consolidate the results of Lascos and TM «Mesoestetic» offer a universal booster post-peel 1% retinol concentrate.

Peeling systems – a great tool for getting predictable   results in solving various medical and aesthetic problems. A competent specialist and a high-quality safe product offered by TM «Mesoestetic» - the key to the successful work of a cosmetologist.

  • Comments (1)

    16 января 2018, 06:21

    Здравствуйте! О поразительном эффекте очищения и омоложения феноловым пилингом я наслышана и тоже решила пройти эту процедуру. Мне 37 лет, кожа проблемная увядающая, имеется возрастная пигментация. Меня интересует: поможет ли мне избавиться от этих дефектов феноловый пилинг, болезненна ли сама процедура и возможны ли побочные эффекты? Еще хотелось бы узнать: где можно пройти єту процедуру? Спасибо!

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