Возможности инъекционных препаратов для косметической коррекции мелазмы

Many methods are known to fight melasma, the most popular of which are – the use of topical agents that inhibit the activity of tyrosinase, and chemical peels. Their use is quite effective, but is often accompanied by severe skin irritation and secondary hyperpigmentation. Dr. Nenad Stankovic (Serbia) believes that due to the many side effects caused by the above methods, another therapeutic approach can be used in daily practice: intralesional localized microinjections of RRS®; H. A. Whitening. Read more about the doctor's experience at estet-portal.com.

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Cosmetological methods for correcting the manifestations of melasma

Melasma is a benign pigmentation disorder that usually appears on the face, neck, and décolleté. Brown spots are single or multiple, creating pockets of unevenly colored skin from light brown to almost black.

To eliminate hyperpigmented areas, drugs are used that inhibit the activity of the tyrosinase enzyme responsible for the synthesis of melanin. Depending on the type of melasma, superficial or medium peels can be used. Injectable tyrosinase inhibitors such as RRS®reg; HA Whitening represented by ANK Ukraine.

RRS® HA Whitening has several properties useful in the treatment of melasma:
•    skin whitening property or ability to inhibit melanogenesis,
•    anti-inflammatory property,
•    antioxidant action.

Due to these properties, the severity of pigmentation is significantly reduced. The use of these products is one of the safest methods of skin whitening.

Peculiarities of injection procedures for cosmetic correction of melasma

Injection procedure with RRS® HA Whitening is safe, easy to use and convenient. It can be carried out all year round without fear of provoking a post-inflammatory reaction, including hyperpigmentation.

Results before and after complex correction as a result of the application of RRS Whitening – 1 time per month and topical regular use of Acklaranse – 2 times a day for 2 months. Photos courtesy of Dr. Olga Antonyuk.

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How to use sunscreen to prevent melasma from getting worse

Skin tends to react to sun exposure with hyperpigmentation, and melasma is exacerbated by UV-induced inflammation.

Melasma patients require a wide range of sun protection products with a minimum SPF of at least 30.

By choosing the right SPF cream and using it with Blending Bleaching cream enriched with melanogenesis inhibitor and antioxidants, additional treatment and pigment suppression can be achieved along with the necessary UV protection.

Any sunscreen should be applied 30 minutes before sun exposure and reapplied every 3 hours. The product must be applied again after swimming or in case of intense sweating to ensure better protection of the skin.

Based on my own experience, I believe that intralesional localized microinjections of RRS® HA Whitening, which is presented on the Ukrainian market by ANK Ukraine, can be used as a potentially new, effective and safe therapeutic method for the treatment of melasma. Supportive care is needed to avoid recurrence of melasma.

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