Почему кожа шеи быстро стареет, и как замедлить этот процесс

If you ask women about how they take care of the skin of the neck, most of them will answer that this area gets at best a little face or body skin care cream, and even then from time to time. However, the skin of the neck has a rather peculiar structure, and in order to preserve its youthfulness, care should include not only daily home remedies, but also salon procedures. How to slow down the aging process of the skin, we deal with estet-portal.com.

Features of the skin of the neck and the appearance of wrinkles on it

Feature of the skin of the neck, which determines the specifics of its age-related changes – this is a high content of elastin fibers, the amount of which even prevails over collagen fibers & nbsp; and significantly exceeds their content in any other areas of the face. At the same time, the dermis is very dense, although thin.

This phenomenon may be explained by the specific stresses that fall on the share of the cervical region: during the day we constantly nod, tilt, turn, stretch and retract the neck, so that the skin and muscles of this zone are constantly active – stretch and twist. The muscles can cope with the load, but the skin of the neck weakens over time, loses its elasticity.

The first manifestations of the fact that the skin on the neck loses its strength are flabbiness and dryness, fine wrinkles, and then large folds.

The most distinct wrinkles on the neck, which are difficult to fight, appear in places of the so-called habitual compression – deformities that last longer than a few minutes and recur constantly.

Such deformations of the skin of the neck occur in the usual postures – for example, when we tilt our head while reading, writing, working on a computer or tablet. Early neck wrinkles can also be explained by the habit of frequently using a smartphone for correspondence or networking, since in this case people usually work with their heads tilted down and neck bent, and they can sit like that for hours. The result of such a hobby is a deformation of the skin, a superficial, and then a rough fold is formed, which eventually ceases to straighten out even with a change in posture.

Read also: The ABCs of the skin for a cosmetologist (Part 2): the structure of the dermis

Means and methods to slow down the aging of the skin of the neck

The skin of the neck, like any other part of the face or body, needs regular home care – daily hydration, weekly exfoliation, regular nutrition and ongoing protection. To prevent premature aging of the skin on the neck, use the same cream that is usually applied to the face in the morning and evening, as well as the use of products with a high sun protection factor for the street.

At the age of 40, the skin of the neck needs active help – nourishing, moisturizing, combating the effects of UV damage from the sun.

The composition of cosmetics for the care of aging skin of the neck should be & nbsp; components such as resveratrol, tocopherol acetate, niacinamide – they have strong antioxidant properties. It is advisable to choose care products with peptides that enhance the synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers.

In the conditions of a cosmetology office, injection procedureswith the use of hyaluronic acid preparations, radio wave and laser procedures, PRP-therapy are used to increase the tone of the skin of the neck and smooth out wrinkles.

However, before proceeding with the hardware methods of combating age-related changes, it is advisable to prepare the skin of the neck for them – restore moisture levels, exfoliate, strengthen protection, because prepared skin is much more grateful and responds faster to any cosmetic manipulations.

We should not forget about such simple preventive measures for the skin of the neck as posture control when using tablets and smartphones. Periodic exercises for the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, upper third of the back will help increase their tone.

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