Какие эндокринные нарушения могут быть причиной ожирения

Today there are more and more obese people. A sedentary lifestyle exacerbates the situation. Traveling by car and working at a computer have a bad effect not only on health, but also on appearance, provoke obesity in people prone to this.

Here it is important to determine the cause of obesity - overeating against the background of a sedentary lifestyle or hormonal disorders. How to identify the cause of obesity? In what cases should you go on a diet, and in which cases should you undergo an examination and treatment by an endocrinologist?

Obesity. Degrees of obesity and methods of detection

Obesity – This is a chronic disease that is accompanied by excessive deposition of adipose tissue in the body and is prone to relapse. Obesity is diagnosed when a body mass index (kg/height (m)2) of 30 or more is detected. Obesity of the first degree is diagnosed with a BMI of 30-34.9, more than 35 is the second degree of obesity, degree 3 - more than 40.

The main complaint of obese people is overweight, headaches, excessive sweating, frequent increase in blood pressure, shortness of breath during exercise and at rest, irregular menstrual cycle in women, snoring during sleep, decreased potency in men.

Obesity is primary and secondary. Primary obesity develops as a result of a violation of the energy harmony between intake and & nbsp; energy consumption in cells with a certain genetic predisposition to this. The reason is malnutrition and reduced physical activity of the patient. The disturbed rhythm of food consumption, as well as the consumption of high-calorie foods, provoke the development of primary obesity.

Secondary obesity appears on the background of endocrine disorders and is a symptom of endocrinopathy. In order to correctly determine the type of obesity, it is necessary to conduct a differential diagnosis between types of secondary obesity to determine the cause of the disease. To do this, you need to examine the patient, send him to some tests.

Endocrine disorders that can cause obesity and methods for their diagnosis

If the patient is obese, they should be evaluated for the following endocrine disorders that may be causing obesity.

    Primary hypothyroidism
  1. is an endocrine disruption of the thyroid gland.
  2. Complaints – lethargy, general weakness, sweating, shortness of breath on exertion, drowsiness, swelling, sexual dysfunction, chilliness.

On examination –  thickened tongue showing teeth marks, bradycardia, muffled heart sounds, puffy face, constipation.

Diagnostic methods – TSH, T


, thyroid ultrasound. Hypercortisolism Syndrome

- an endocrine disorder in the production of ACTH.
  1. Complaints – improper redistribution of subcutaneous fat, burgundy striae, reddening of the face, increased blood pressure, sexual dysfunction, muscle weakness, depressed mood, headaches.
  2. On examination - android distribution of fat, increased pigmentation in the natural folds of the skin, pustular and / or fungal skin lesions, stretch marks, persistent increase in blood pressure.

Diagnostic methods – ACTH, plasma cortisol levels, urinary cortisol excretion, dexamethasone tests, ultrasound (MRI, CT) of the adrenal glands, CT or MRI of the pituitary gland.

Hyperprolactinemia syndrome

is an endocrine disorder in the production of the hormone prolactin.
  1. Complaints – the appearance of discharge from the nipples and the violation of the regularity of the menstrual cycle in women, amenorrhea, decreased potency and libido, infertility, gynecomastia.
  2. When examining – galactorrhea.

Diagnostic methods – prolactin in the blood, CT / MRI of the pituitary gland, ultrasound of the ovaries and uterus in women, prostate in men.

Hypogonadism syndrome

  1. Complaints – decreased potency and libido, infertility, decreased muscle mass   in men, breast enlargement.
  2. When examining – eunuchoid body type, muscle flabbiness, decreased skin turgor, underdevelopment of the external genital organs, gynecomastia.

Diagnostic methods – testosterone, estradiol, FSH, LH, OB ultrasound, skull x-ray (lateral view).

Hyperandrogenism Syndrome

  1. Complaints – amenorrhea, irregular menstruation, women have excessive body hair growth.
  2. When examining – virilization, hirsutism, android body type.

Survey methods – SSSH, FSH, LH, testosterone level, 17-OP, ultrasound of the small pelvis, adrenal glands; consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

Methods of treating obesity. Diet recommendations

The optimal treatment for obesity is considered to be gradual weight loss (ie, no more than 0.5-1 kg per week) in order to compensate for concomitant disorders. A decrease is considered clinically significant & nbsp; body weight by 10% of the original values. The obesity treatment period is divided into 2 parts: weight loss, which takes 3-6 months, and stabilization  for 6-12 months. Non-drug treatments include diet therapy, aerobic exercise and behavioral therapy.

Helpful tips for overweight patients to treat obesity:

You need to lose weight slowly - up to 1 kg per week.

Eat moderately slowly and chew your food thoroughly.
  • Don't taste the food you cook - it makes you feel better.
  • Create a menu for the next day from the evening before.
  • When cooking, use as little oil as possible, including vegetable oil.
  • Use the grill, microwave and steamer for cooking.
  • Eat sausages, cheeses, coconuts, avocados, baked goods as little as possible, as they contain a lot of hidden fats.
  • When buying meat, give preference to lean varieties.
  • Completely eliminate mayonnaise from your diet.
  • Vegetables should be eaten 3-4 times a day in any form. Start each meal with a vegetable salad. Include fruits in your diet.
  • Quench your thirst with water, not fruit juices. Avoid sweets.
  • Surgical treatment is indicated for patients with morbid obesity, whose body mass index is above 40. The following types of operations are used: endoscopic installation of intraventricular balloons, bypass surgery on the small intestine, restrictive surgery to reduce the volume of the stomach, combined interventions.
The thyroid gland: how it manifests itself on the skin

Corrective surgeries such as abdominoplasty and liposuction are possible only after body weight stabilization. In any case, control over what a person eats, when and how much does not hurt anyone. And if you gain weight, despite the control of nutrition, you should immediately contact an endocrinologist.

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