Now life expectancy of people is falling sharply. Many people die prematurely. There are many causes of death, but only some of them are widely known. Everyone knows that alcohol, smoking and drugs are very harmful to health. But why do people leave the life who have never been fond of it? Scientists have conducted studies in which they found out how ordinary things in everyday life affect health. The 15 most unexpected causes of the deterioration in the health of the population have been identified.

15 main causes of early mortality in the population

  1. Watching TV

Spanish scientists have been observing the behavior of 13 thousand young people for 8 years. During the study, 97 people died. Of these, 46 are due to oncopathologies, 19 are due to cardiovascular pathology, and 32 are due to other reasons. The scientists concluded that those participants in the study who watched TV for more than 3 hours a day had a risk of premature death 2 times higher than those who watched TV for less than 1 hour.

  1. Loneliness

British and American scientists independently conducted studies in which it turned out that loneliness has a negative impact on the quality and duration of life. So, in single people after 53 years, the risk of premature death increases by 15%. With a lonely life, the risk of early death increases by 27%, and taking into account all chronic diseases - by 48%. Lonely people are more likely to develop dementia and heart disease.

  1. Early retirement

Scientists have found that people who retired earlier than their peers have an increased risk of premature death. Thus, retiring only a year early increases the risk of mortality by 13%.

  1. Sedentary lifestyle

Australian scientists have found that people who spend more than 11 hours a day in a sitting position have a 40% risk of premature death. A sedentary lifestyle also increases the incidence of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. And the negative effects of a long sitting position cannot be eliminated even by regular exercise.

  1. Long sleep

It has been established that sleeping more than 9 hours increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by 41%. The data are compared with those who sleep 6 to 8 hours.

  1. Sedatives and sleeping pills

Regular use of sleeping pills and sedatives increases the risk of premature death. Thus, the use of several such pills per year increases the risk of death by 3%.

  1. Coffee

American scientists have been studying the effect of coffee on the human body for 11 years. Drinking 4 or more cups of coffee per day under the age of 55 has been found to increase the risk of premature death by 56%.

  1. Salt

Every year, 2 million people die worldwide due to excessive salt intake. In 181 out of 187 countries, salt intake reaches 10 grams per day, which corresponds to 4 grams of sodium. According to WHO, the recommended amount of salt intake throughout the day – 5 grams, which corresponds to 2 grams of sodium. An increased concentration of sodium in the blood leads to edema, increased blood pressure, cardio – vascular disease, kidney failure, stomach cancer, osteoporosis, increased intraocular pressure and cataracts.

  1. Poor oral hygiene

For 24 years, Swedish scientists have been conducting a study whose purpose was to study the consequences of non-compliance with oral hygiene. The study involved 1390 people. For 24 years, 58 people died, of which 35 – due to cancer. Scientists have concluded that the accumulation of plaque on the teeth can lead to the development of cancer. Plaque bacteria are a source of infection that can play a key role in the development of malignancy.

  1. Skinny jeans

Tight jeans that are tight on the hips are dangerous to health. They compress the nerve endings, which leads to a violation of the blood supply to the limbs. This increases the likelihood of Rota's disease – Bernhardt.

  1. Purse in the back pocket of trousers

The wallet, being in the back pocket of the trousers, puts pressure on the sciatic nerve and the nerve endings of the back. This contributes to the development of sciatica and herniated discs.

  1. Wearing flip flops

While wearing shoes such as flip flops, a person has to bend their toes, which leads to painful tendinitis. It also provokes the development of diseases of the knee joints.

Causes that increase the risk of developing diseases

  1. Hard work

A 2012 study found that people who work more than 11 hours a day or are exposed to constant stress have a 23% risk of premature death. Israeli scientists have been conducting such research for 20 years. They also noted that the presence of hard work interferes with the formation of personal relationships, and women have an increased risk of developing diabetes.

  1. Atmospheric pollution

According to the World Health Organization, one in eight people die prematurely due to air pollution. Scientists have concluded that about 200 thousand people die every year due to air pollution. 53 thousand of them die from air pollution with exhaust gases, 52 thousand - due to pollution in the production of electrical energy. It is enough to live in such conditions for 10 years, and a person has a 4-5 times higher risk of developing respiratory infections.

  1. Whole grain bread

Recently, nutritionists have been recommending eating whole grain bread instead of regular bread. Is it so useful? Whole grains are rich in phytates. These substances prevent the body from absorbing iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. When eating a large amount of whole grains, the absorption of minerals is reduced by almost 50%. Some scientists believe that whole grains contribute to the development of autoimmune diseases. For example, the lectins found in wheat increase the risk of developing lupus, hypothyroidism, and eczema.

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