In the fight against skin aging, all means are good. What inventive minds have not come up with, who are tirelessly straining to find ways to get rid of wrinkles and other skin problems caused by the aging process. Peeling is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed to rejuvenate the skin of the face and eliminate skin problems characteristic of each age. This is a kind of skin cleansing from waste products and dead skin cells, agrees They are used depending on the age of the patient and the condition of the skin. Let's look at when and what type of facial peeling will be useful for you.

What are peels used for?

Basically, the peeling procedure is prescribed according to indications. Peelings are different, their types depend on:

  • depth of exposure to the skin,
  • nature of impact,
  • active substances used.

It is also worth noting that different peels are used to combat the signs of skin aging at different ages, the choice of which depends on the characteristics of skin aging in the particular case. What peels help to eliminate skin problems at these stages?

Peelings differ in mechanism and degree of impact, as well as in terms of rehabilitation.

Depending on what stage the patient's skin is at, cosmetologists select the necessary parameters of the procedure. The stages of skin aging consist of 4 stages:

  • under 25 years of age,
  • from 25 to 35 years,
  • from 35 to 50 years,
  • 50 and over.

Wrinkle-free age up to 25 years

Young girls often face the problem of dry, rough and dull skin, which causes a lot of trouble in the future. In this case, extra-superficial peeling can help. This is a gentle procedure that:

  • softly and painlessly removes the thin upper layer of the epidermis,
  • returns the natural radiance of the skin, slowing down its aging.

Starting from the age of 15, glycol peeling procedures can be performed, which are aimed at treating acne or pimples.


Read also: Post-peeling procedures: how to enhance anti-aging results

The appearance of dynamic wrinkles from 25 to 35 years

At this age, the first signs of skin aging appear:

  • small changes in skin texture,
  • barely noticeable age spots,
  • wrinkles around the eyes.

Cosmetologists recommend superficial chemical peels or fruit acid peels. Glycolic acid peel is also the most popular. With it, you can get rid of fine wrinkles, light skin pigmentation, and at the same time a small amount of unwanted freckles.

Also, these types of peeling give quick results of skin rejuvenation and tightening.

Appearance of static wrinkles between the ages of 35 and 50

Wrinkles, which are noticeable even at rest, distinct pigment spots, vascular seals and reddening of the skin of the face – These are all signs of skin aging that start to show up at the age of 35. You may also see the following changes:

  • mesh wrinkles under the eyes,
  • deep nasolabial folds,
  • wrinkles on the chin, forehead, neck and near the ears,
  • "crow's feet".

At this age, a more effective medium peel is recommended. It destroys the first layer of the dermis and provokes enhanced cell regeneration. Median Chemical Peel:

  • smoothes deep wrinkles,
  • smooths complexion,
  • Provokes the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

Medium peels are also used on the skin of the hands and in complex therapy for the treatment of stretch marks.


Peelings for the appearance of deep wrinkles at the age of 50 years and older

During this period, skin aging is gaining momentum. The following unpleasant changes are observed on the face:

  • wrinkles get deeper and spread all over the face,
  • skin color changes intensely,
  • senile pigmentation appears,
  • the face is covered with a vascular network,
  • tissue ptosis is observed,
  • skin elasticity is lost.

For best results, cosmetologists use deep peeling, which destroys the first and second layers of the dermis.

It also allows you to remove wrinkles and scars that extend to the deeper layers of the skin. Deep peeling also provides a temporary facelift effect. Most often, phenol peeling is used for such a procedure.

Deep wrinkles are the hardest to treat with peels, so the best results are seen when peels are used along with facial massages and active beauty treatments.


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