Today, when the beard is fashionable again, many representatives of the stronger sex try not to deviate from stylish trends and thus decorate the lower part of their faces. But growing a beard is half the battle, but it will require very high quality and regular care from its owner.
But what if the fashionable attribute of your new image grows unevenly or you just don't know what beard care should be like? will be glad to help you with advice.
A man is not only decorated with scars: the initial stage of growing a beard
If you decide that you still need a beard, you should find out which one suits you. Many men, having paid attention to someone's thick beard, want to grow a similar one for themselves. However, the following must be taken into account: what suits and suits one man may be completely inconsistent with the appearance of another.
This is where genetics comes into play. For example, you want to have a beard with a broom, and men of your kind in this sense could "boast" only thin hair in the lower part of the face. Accordingly, you can draw your own conclusions.
In any case, try not to shave for a week or two to note for yourself where the beard is much thicker, where there are bald spots, etc. And it is also very important what is the level of testosterone in your body, because it is he who is responsible for masculinity , as well as for the hairline.
Growing a beard, you will be faced with the need to "guide" its growth, that is, to give it the proper form. This can be done using an electric hair clipper (trimmer), as well as scissors and a comb specially designed for this purpose.
If you do not want to experiment with growing a beard yourself, you can contact the master in the barbershop, where they will help you choose the right beard shape, as well as suggest what proper care should be.
We take care of the beard, shave, comb, "feed"
If you still want to grow a beard yourself, and then take care of it, you should know how to do it correctly.
- First of all, shaving. So that irritation is unknown to you when performing this procedure, starting it, steam the skin of the face and carefully apply soap on it: it should get as deep as possible into the pores.
- As for the direction of shaving, which of the two possible – hair growth or against it – suits you, the master can determine.
It is not uncommon for men to shave in both directions, which is wrong: this approach to the procedure is fraught with infection in possible mini-cuts.
Therefore, it is necessary to know your type of facial hair growth.
- Beard is by no means alien to care products. It should be washed daily, using the same shampoo as you wash your hair. The same applies to the air conditioner. In this way, you will ensure the care of both the beard and the skin of the face.
- After washing the beard, it is necessary to dry it with a towel. Then comb it, a comb with small teeth is suitable for this. And remember: if all you want to do is trim your beard, don't do it while it's damp.
- Often, in the process of growing a beard, you have to endure skin itching. It can be so strong that some men, not wanting to endure it any longer, simply get rid of the emerging attribute of the new image. But when itching torments, one must not endure: it is important to moisturize the skin of the face or apply one percent hydrocortisone (cream).
- And a little about the equally important facet of the issue of beard care. This is nutrition. In particular, the increase in testosterone levels contributes to the consumption of meat, nuts, cereals. The assimilation of female estrogen with the subsequent production of testosterone is helped by vegetables and greens. But it is better to say goodbye to sweets or reduce its use, since sugar is largely the cause of thin hair growth. Do not forget about vitamin complexes that contain biotin. Drink more water: it speeds up metabolic processes and gets rid of toxins.
Remember that a beard can significantly change your appearance, affect the creation of a new, even sexy image. However, this will only happen if she looks neat and well-groomed.
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