Medicine and treatment

Cerebral aneurysms: what is the danger of this disease

Among the most dangerous diseases that affect the human body, cerebral aneurysms occupy a leading position due to the insidious course and hidden clinical picture. A person who inherited an aneurysm is at the tip of the iceberg, which can lead to serious health problems at any moment. At first, even if an aneurysm has already formed in the vessels of the brain, it may be quiet and not cause any discomfort. With the onset of growth and accumulation of blood in the aneurysm, which presses on the brain, tissues and nerves, a rich clinical picture begins to appear: headaches, increased arterial, intracranial pressure, loss of consciousness, partial paralysis, hearing and vision impairment.

A note to those with frequent headaches! If there is no exact reason why the head hurts and the pressure rises, consult and find out if you have such a disease as an aneurysm.

What are cerebral aneurysms

In the brain, normal blood circulation is the key to sensitive and well-coordinated work of all tissues and nerves. If at least one vessel weakens, the wall becomes thinner and the aneurysm begins to grow, the whole system begins to falter and leads to a deterioration in the condition. Cerebral aneurysms are bulges in the walls of blood vessels and the formation of tubercles or "balls". Often such formation appears in the places of branching of blood vessels. The wall of the damaged vessel is deformed due to the lack of a protective membrane and muscle layer, which is fraught with rupture of the aneurysm and serious disruption of the brain. Rupture of a cerebral aneurysm is often fatal (50%). With timely treatment, the consequences can be partial violations in the quality of human life,

Types of aneurysms, their features

Aneurysms of cerebral vessels are distinguished by such parameters as type, shape, size. The protrusion of the vessel can be lateral, saccular and fusiform, can be from one chamber or several. A saccular aneurysm is characterized by a round shape connected to an artery by a neck. A lateral aneurysm resembles a tumor on a vessel. Fusiform formation is an expansion of the vessel wall. Also distinguish arterial aneurysm and arteriovenous type of education.


Arterial cerebral aneurysm

This type of aneurysm is characterized by a bulging of the vessel wall of the artery in the form of a sac or a sphere. This type appears on the site of the circle of Willis (at the base of the skull). In this place, the arteries tend to branch many times, therefore it is a favorite place for aneurysm.

Arteriovenous aneurysm of the brain

Such an aneurysm is the formation of a tangle on a venous vessel. Appears at the point of communication of veins and arteries. In veins, blood pressure is lower than in arteries. Therefore, when blood is ejected from the arteries under enormous pressure into the vein, the walls gradually succumb to deformation and an aneurysm develops.

Prevent vascular problems:

Nutrition to strengthen blood vessels

Consequences of cerebral aneurysms

The aneurysm, after reaching its peak growth point, ruptures and bleeds into the brain, resulting in tissue necrosis due to lack of nutrition. Blood fills the ventricles of the brain and causes an inflammatory process in this place. When an aneurysm ruptures in the brain, a person feels severe nausea, clouding, headache, numbness, and may lose consciousness. After such a rupture, the consequences of cerebral aneurysms are the most unpredictable, and the level of complications and recovery depends only on the success of the surgical intervention to neutralize the aneurysm.

Possible consequences of cerebral aneurysm

    Cognitive impairments: loss of the ability to perceive and process information, logic becomes difficult, memory deteriorates, the ability to plan, learn is lost.
  • Pain syndrome: shooting, aching, sharp pain, throbbing.
  • Violation of defecation and urination: the patient does not control these processes.
  • Psychological disorders: mood can change dramatically, depression and stress are surfacing, constant anxiety and anxiety are felt.
  • Vision and hearing impairment: when a carotid aneurysm ruptures, the consequence may be a loss of vision, as well as hearing, vision may double, the field of vision may fall out.
  • Behavioral and speech disorders: reaction slows down, fearfulness and aggression often increase. It is difficult to pronounce words and perceive what is said, difficulties in counting or writing increase.
  • Disorder of the musculoskeletal system: mild or severe paralysis, incoordination in space.
If surgery has made it possible to neutralize the aneurysm and restore most of the damage in the brain, then the person can return to work and a normal life in the future. In all other cases, the consequences of cerebral aneurysms can accompany a person all his life.  

  • Comments (1)

    23 февраля 2016, 10:16

    У подруги был разрыв аневризмы, потом операция. Сейчас восстанавливается. Обошлось все, успели врачи оказать первую помощь. А все благодаря маленькому сыну, который своим криком взбудоражил всех соседей.

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