Each person is outwardly unique, has his own skin type, individual lines and facial features. How did it happen that someone has lush cheeks and full lips, another person – thin lips and sunken cheeks, the third – cheekbones are more pronounced, and the fourth – broad forehead. In the process of fullness of skin cells, collagen plays an important role. This protein is produced by fibroblast cells, which, as the whole body ages, stop secreting collagen and related substances that provide a youthful appearance. After 30 years, fibroblasts gradually stop producing collagen and the process of tissue aging starts. Why collagen is needed for the skin and what is its role in maintaining youth, we will consider in this article.
Fibroblasts and collagen: connective tissue and matrix
50% of a person's body weight is connective tissue. To ensure the functioning of all organs and systems, an intercellular substance is needed that fills the space between organs, cells, bones, ligaments. Intercellular substance – it is a matrix (basis), ensures the preservation of cell shapes and structures.
Connective tissue for the lion's share consists of collagen – fibers of a protein produced by fibroblasts. In addition to collagen, fibroblasts produce hyaluronic acid, elastin, fibrin, proteoglycans and other substances necessary to maintain the structure of the connective tissue.
Fibroblasts – these are derivatives of mesenchymal stem cells – germ tissue of living beings. It is the fibroblast cells that produce the matrix – basis of connective tissue. Fibroblasts are located in the dermis, the middle layer of the skin.
Collagen plays an important role for the skin, because it provides elasticity, tone and strength to tissues. Thanks to collagen fibers, there are no wrinkles, the skin has an even tone, the tissues do not droop.
As the skin is saturated with free radicals and during internal aging processes, fibroblast cells stop producing natural collagen. The protein is broken down by the enzyme collagenase.
Read also: Collagen in cosmetics: does it really work
How collagen dissimilation occurs
- Fibroblasts in the process of life absorb the remnants of split collagen fibers and produce collagenase.
- Collagenase and elastase break down collagen fibers into their constituent parts, breaking bonds at the molecular level.
- Particles of already split collagen are absorbed by macrophages.
The cycle of collagen production and destruction does not stop at a young age and lasts for 1 month. For 1 year in the human body there is an exchange of collagen fibers with a total weight of 6 kg. After 30 years, collagen synthesis decreases, the process of destruction prevails, and upon reaching the age of 40-45, the collagen cycle per year can reach only 3 kg.
As collagen synthesis decreases, tissues become thin and flabby, spots appear on the skin, it loses firmness and elasticity, tissue ptosis begins, protein can no longer retain water molecules and dryness of the skin increases.
Why collagen for the skin: main functions
Large molecular helices of collagen protein keep tissues in good shape, they are strong and almost do not stretch.
Functions of collagen for the skin:
- reference – holds the organs together and creates space for them;
- protective – provides strength and density to fabrics to protect against damage;
- together with elastin provides plasticity to fabrics – elasticity and ability to stretch and return to place;
- restoring – provides cell regeneration;
- melanoma prevention – prevents the development of cancer cells;
- stimulates the formation of cell membranes.
What affects collagen production by fibroblasts
The amount of collagen produced by fibroblasts is affected not only by the natural aging process of the body, but also by other factors:
- bad habits, especially smoking – under the influence of nicotine, small vessels narrow, blood flow slows down, free radicals accumulate faster, which directly affect protein breakdown;
- negative effects of ultraviolet radiation – under the influence of tissue dehydration, the process of collagen breakdown starts faster;
- excessive addiction to alcohol – through dehydration, organs and cells suffer from oxygen and fluid deficiency;
- irrational nutrition leading to micronutrient and vitamin deficiencies;
- constant stresses in life accelerate cell aging;
- presence of systemic connective tissue diseases – rheumatism, lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma.
In order to stop the destruction of collagen fibers, many methods are used to restore protein deficiency in tissues. In cosmetology, collagen-containing creams, dietary supplements, collagen masks or gels are used. Collagen fillers are also used to partially restore the youthful appearance of the skin, which are used for contouring. Collagen in the form of fillers is used to restore the appearance of the lips, facial contours, slow down the aging of tissues on the skin.
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