Что будет, если пить кока-колу каждый день

Drinking Coca-Cola is harmful – this has been known for a long time. But is there a safe dose of sweet soda that will not harm the body, and what will happen if this dose is exceeded? What is the danger of drinking Coca-Cola in excessive quantities for children and adults? This is what estet-portal.com will tell you in this article.

  1. You are unknowingly changing your food choices

When parents said that milk – a health product, they were absolutely right because milk – a source of protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin A. With regard to sugary sodas, a large number of studies have shown that drinking large amounts of Coca-Cola is associated with a violation of healthy food and drink choices. That is, if you regularly drink cola (every or almost every day), most likely, there is a lack of vitamins, minerals and fiber in the body.

Conclusion: Replacing milk with sugary soda and eating little calcium has had an impact on our generation's bone health as a result. Therefore, try to drink Coca-Cola as little as possible.

  1. Dental caries and enamel erosion will become your usual thing

Regular consumption of soft drinks has also been linked to enamel erosion and dental caries due to the high sugar content and high acidity of drinks such as cola. WHO has conducted studies that have revealed a close relationship between the use of sweet soda and erosion of tooth enamel and caries. The reason: the low pH balance of such drinks and the high sugar content, which is absorbed by microorganisms living in the oral cavity.

  1. Your bones will become more brittle

Coke and other sugary sodas have also been linked to decreased bone density and increased fracture rates in both children and adults. Because of their high caffeine content, coca-cola and other similar drinks reduce bone mineral density, since caffeine promotes the excretion of calcium in the urine, which is a potential cause of osteoporosis.  

  1. Your chances of developing chronic diseases will increase

According to the Framingham Heart  Study, drinking more than 350 ml of sugary soda per day increases the risk of:

  • obesity;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • pressure increase;
  • elevated lipoprotein cholesterol;
  • heart attack due to a blood clot;
  • hypertriglyceridemia;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  1. Side effects due to high caffeine intake

Coke-type drinks contain caffeine in the amount of 40-50 mg per 375 ml can, which is equivalent to one cup of strong coffee. That is why such amounts of caffeine are contraindicated for fragile children's bones, and several studies have confirmed the association between Coke and kidney stones (Rodgers 1999; Massey and Sutton 2004).

Caffeine insensitivity is also a side effect of excessive caffeine intake, along with sleep disturbances, enuresis and anxiety, as well as headaches, fatigue or irritability (Juliano and Griffiths 2004).

  1. Benzene in Coca-Cola increases the risk of developing cancer

The presence of benzoic acid in sweet soda is not properly regulated, which is a concern. Benzoic acid is so dangerous because it acts as a catalyst when it comes into contact with ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and metal ions (such as iron and copper) to form benzene – well-known carcinogen. A chemical reaction usually proceeds under the influence of light or heat. Therefore, if you drink more than 1 can of Coca-Cola per week, of course, you will not necessarily get cancer, but the risk of such a disease will increase.

What conclusions can be drawn from the above? Fans of Coke and similar drinks, be careful and try to drink Coke as little as possible in order to avoid health problems.

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