What to do if the nails break, turn yellow, or even crack at all? Doctors say that such "signals" organism are a formidable symptomatology of many & nbsp; diseases, and are advised to pay special attention to them. We suggest you master the diagnosis of nails in order to recognize a serious illness in time and prevent it.
Diagnosis by nails: pale ones indicate anemia, yellow — for lichen
Sign #1. Pale nails: Anemia threatens. Too bright color of the nail plate indicates changes in the body. If you notice a clear pallor of the skin in the place where until now the nails were slightly pink, immediately undergo an examination.
- Pale nails can be a sign of anemia, diabetes, and even liver disease.
Sign #2. Blue nails: breathing problems. Blue nails, as well as a blue complexion, indicate oxygen deficiency.
If your nails are slightly blue, it indicates a disease of the respiratory tract or blood vessels.
Sign #3. Yellow nails: ringworm. Yellow nails are not only a "calling card" smokers. They also indicate fungal infections that are difficult to treat. So see a doctor immediately.
- Yellow nails can also indicate coffee abuse. If you drink more than five cups of this strong drink a day, cut it down to two servings.
Sign #4 Excess cuticle around nails: dehydration. Unsightly formations around the nails — clear evidence of lack of water.
- It is necessary to hydrate the body: both from the outside and from the inside.
- Wash your hands with baby soap. But lumpy should be abandoned, & nbsp; it dries out the skin.
- Make herbal decoctions for hands with the addition of chamomile, linden or plantain. They will provide an antiseptic effect.
- Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
Diagnostics on nails: examining cracks and lines
Sign #5. Cracked nails: psoriasis. Cracked nails — This is a signal of vitamin deficiency. First of all, vitamin A, which is responsible for their strength.
- If cracks create a depression on the surface of the nail, this may indicate the development of psoriasis.
Sign No. 6. Brittle nails: diseases of the thyroid gland. The root cause of fragility can be a lack of nutrients. However, if the desired changes do not occur after adjusting the menu, go for an examination immediately.
- Fast breaking nails indicate thyroid problems.
Sign #7 White lines on nails: Calcium deficiency. White tags, which many consider to be harbingers of unexpected gifts, actually speak of a lack of calcium and zinc. And their large accumulation can be a manifestation of kidney disease.
Sign #8. Dark lines on nails: cancerous changes. This — the most dangerous sign, which should never be ignored.
Dark elongated lines on the nails may indicate cancerous changes such as melanoma.
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