Diabetes mellitus – a widespread and very severe endocrinological disease with many serious complications. Obesity is considered one of the most unpleasant manifestations of metabolic disorders that occur in diabetes mellitus. And, as you know, the most effective method of dealing with this condition is only one: a combination of diet and exercise.

However, a huge number of patients believe that physical activity is unacceptable for them, as it can lead to deterioration and serious consequences. It is the task of every doctor who encounters such patients in his work to explain correctly and convincingly why physical activity in obesity is so important, and how it must be performed in order to receive benefits and avoid problems.

Benefits of exercise for diabetic patients

Metered, regular and adequate physical activity can be of great benefit to patients with diabetes. In addition to the fact that physical activity in itself helps in the fight against obesity in diabetes, they also have a positive effect on the whole body as a whole. Physical activity improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reduces the severity of arterial hypertension and reduces the risk of dying from myocardial infarction.

With the help of physical activity, the activity of fibrinolysis increases, the risk of developing osteoporosis and joint diseases decreases. Few people know that physical activity improves the body's sensitivity to insulin, which is especially important for patients with diabetes. In addition,  through physical activity, the patient is already beginning to fight obesity, which will lead to an increase in his self-esteem, increased efficiency and improved quality of life in general.

Recommendation for the implementation of physical activity  patients with diabetes

There are strict contraindications to physical activity in patients with diabetes mellitus: this is a glycemic level of more than 14 mmol / l. with ketonemia, more than 16.5 mmol / l, regardless of ketonemia, and blood glucose levels less than 5.5 mmol / l. In other cases, individually tailored physical activity is the best way to combat obesity in diabetes.

Classes are recommended to be held at least 3 times a week, at least 2 hours. It is recommended to start physical activity a few hours after eating with a ten-minute warm-up. The intensive training period should be 20-45 minutes. The workout ends with calm, weak loads, best aimed at stretching, for 10-15 minutes. It is imperative to drink enough liquid during and after training.

How to prevent hypoglycemia during exercise in diabetics

Every diabetic patient who is on insulin treatment is required to carry light carbohydrates during exercise, preferably glucose tablets. To prevent the onset of hypoglycemia, it is necessary & nbsp; measure blood glucose levels before, during and after exercise. It should be remembered that insulin should not be injected into areas of the body that are involved in physical activity, as well as into muscles.

If  training lasts more than 60 minutes – Glycemic levels are measured every hour. Reduce the dose of insulin, which acts during the period of exercise and in the next 6-12 hours, by 10-50%. When exercising, obese patients should first of all reduce the dose of insulin.

What affects the effectiveness of physical activity in obesity

There are several important factors to consider when evaluating the effectiveness of physical activity in obese diabetic patients:

  • in men, the effectiveness of physical activity is higher than in women, which is associated with a lower propensity for women to lose weight;
  • physical activity in male type of obesity (abdominal) is more effective than in female (gynoid);
  • combined physical activity, such as a combination of strength and aerobic activity, is more effective than doing one type of exercise;
  • Personal trainers are much more effective than group workouts.

But the most important factor influencing the effectiveness of physical activity is the desire and motivation of the patient himself. The more information the doctor provides to the patient about the need for physical activity in obesity against the background of diabetes mellitus, the better the result of physical activity should be expected.

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