To obtain the maximum clinical result, it is important to correctly assess the degree of change in the muscular frame of the face, the condition of the skin and subcutaneous fat. It is also necessary to take into account the age of the patient and his state of health. In women, it is worth paying attention to a correctly collected gynecological history. Changes in the hormonal background will, of course, affect the state of the mandibular line. Appeared «flew» will objectively introduce discomfort into the aesthetic picture of the face. V-shaped, well-formed mandibular line – a sign of youth and beauty.

To solve this problem, we divide the tactics of prescribing procedures depending on the stages of aging.

At stage 1 of aging, when the patient is concerned only with pouches that have formed at the level of the lower jaw ("flews" or "bulldog cheeks"), manual liposuction can be used. This method of aspiration of fat deposits is very effective and gives a good clinical result in combination with simultaneous lipofilling. Thanks to this combination of techniques, unwanted "sagging" can be removed. adipose tissue and improve the volume of the face in areas of depression.

At the 2nd stage of aging, we use a combined technique. The combination of manual liposuction with the introduction of threads to create a framework in the mandibular region has proven itself in practice. The technique of the procedure is as follows: after liposuction, we proceed to the introduction of threads. It is advisable to start inserting the thread behind the auricle, moving horizontally along the mandibular line to the chin. Then we make a 360-degree turn and stretch the thread in parallel in the opposite direction. As a result, we get an "anchor", which fixes the submandibular region well. The effect of such procedures will be less than with surgery, but sufficient to satisfy the patient.

At stages 3-4 of aging, surgical intervention is necessary, otherwise the result will be insignificant and unstable. During surgery, it is necessary to move the lateral part of the cheek or complete mobilization to the temporal region. This will give a soft and natural finish and will also prevent the area from sagging again.

To achieve the maximum clinical effect, do not forget about the combination of all the above methods with botulinum therapy, contouring and CO2 lasers.

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