Cracks in the corners of the mouth can be insignificant, or they can cause a lot of dissatisfaction and worsen the appearance, not to mention the well-being. A nondescript wound can turn into an ulcer, multiplied all over the lips, which bleed and hurt. For women, this is especially unacceptable, because it spoils the beauty and looks ugly. Although for men, these problems can be no less painful and problematic in treatment, especially if you self-medicate and take independent measures to eliminate these problems. Cracks in the corners of the lips in medicine are called angulitis. There may be several reasons for the occurrence of angulitis, and what contributed to the development of the jam, only the doctor can say after the examination.

Lip congestion: causes

In winter and spring, zayeds especially often disturb residents of saturated cities, because in a large settlement the air is drier, and this affects the skin of the lips. This most innocuous cause is of a cosmetic nature of the disease and is eliminated very easily by restoring the skin of the face, especially in the lip area. But there are other reasons for the appearance of jam on the lips:

  • metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus;
  • avitaminosis, deficiency of vitamin B2, B6, B12;
  • malocclusion;
  • uncontrolled intake of drugs (antibiotics);
  • presence of braces and their irregular shape;
  • Prostheses that are not properly fitted can injure the corners of the lips;
  • lack of teeth and development of malocclusion;
  • non-compliance with the rules of oral hygiene;
  • hypothermia, frostbite;
  • decreased immunity;
  • dry skin.

First and foremost, what you need to pay attention to when jams appear on the lips – This is a deficiency of vitamins and a violation of the body's internal defenses. In winter, cold and frost affect the skin, which also provokes a decrease in immunity. In the spring, vitamin deficiency is often observed, which leads to peeling of the skin and the appearance of jamming. Of great importance in maintaining moisture in the skin is vitamin B2 or riboflavin. It is the lack of this vitamin that can cause peeling of the skin of the entire face, even the appearance of crusts on the wings of the nose. Also, seizures can be a consequence of a lack of B6 – vitamin pyridoxine. With improper heat treatment, products that contain it in sufficient quantities lose their properties and the presence of vitamin B6 is significantly reduced.

Also, cracks appear when there is a lack of iron and zinc in the body. Such a deficit can be easily filled if you adjust your diet and diversify the foods that are eaten. Seizures can be transmitted through the touch of the lips, through dishes and personal hygiene products. Do not brush your teeth with someone else's toothbrush or drink from the cup of someone who has these problems.

It is also worth remembering that drugs can, on the one hand, help in curing the disease, and on the other hand – provoke vitamin deficiency.


How to Diagnose and Treat Stuffed Lips

To find out the cause of angulitis, it is worth visiting a dermatologist and doing a scraping to identify the causative agent of the infection (staphylococci, streptococci, fungi, candidiasis). Depending on the indicators and the presence of infection, the doctor prescribes antifungal drugs, vitamin complexes. It is also worth paying attention to the cleanliness of the oral cavity, as well as the health of all crowns and teeth. It is necessary to remove the irritating factor in order for the wound healing to go faster. It is also recommended to eat foods to restore vitamins B2 and B6, B12. These are fish and meat, fresh vegetables, eggs, dairy products, nuts, bran, mushrooms.

In order not to irritate the skin in vain, exclude sour foods and salty, bitter foods.  Also indicative for recovery is the rejection of the bad habit of smoking. Because nicotine irritates the skin and prevents the absorption of vitamins and beneficial trace elements, making the skin lifeless and flabby. For speedy healing, you can make lotions from tea tree oil. Also useful will be a lotion from a bag of green tea, applied to the corners of the lips for a few minutes. To prevent infection from getting into cracks, you can treat places with a solution of hydrogen peroxide 3%. Medicinal herbs can be used as lotions: chamomile, sage, aloe, calendula.

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