Medicine and treatment

How to remove papillomas - the most effective, fastest and safest method

Как убрать папилломы – самый эффективный, быстрый и безопасный метод

Papilloma – it is a benign tumor on the skin, which in appearance resembles a small papilla. Such formations appear as a result of the penetration of HPV (human papillomavirus) into the body, the immune system of which is weakened. Constant stress, improper nutrition, bad habits can weaken the immune system – mostly lifestyle features.

Papillomas are an aesthetic problem and some people have health concerns. Let's see how dangerous they are and how to remove papillomas forever without harming your health.

Where do unwanted formations come from and how to remove papillomas

Before you remove papillomas, you need to find out what they are. Small papillae or ridges on the skin, ranging in size from 1 millimeter to several centimeters, will help to appear on any part of the body, including mucous membranes and genitals.

Human papillomavirus causes not only papillomas, but also warts, genital warts, and 16 and 18 and some other types of viruses significantly increase the risk of cancer in women (cervix and vagina) and men (penis and prostate). HPV is not necessarily accompanied by the appearance of neoplasms on the skin – sometimes it does not cause any symptoms, so it is often not possible to guess about the carriage and transmission of HPV.

How you can get HPV:

  • sexual contact (unprotected sex – the main route of transmission of the virus);
  • through other contacts of a direct or indirect nature (in swimming pools, nail salons and other places);
  • the virus is also transmitted during childbirth or through the placenta.

How to remove papillomas – most effective methods

On the Internet you can find a lot of advice on how to remove papillomas without going to a doctor. But the elimination of the aesthetic aspect of the problem does not guarantee getting rid of formations on the skin forever, because the virus continues to live in the body. That is why, before removing papillomas, you need to consult a doctor to determine the type of virus and undergo a course of treatment. You can do the removal of papillomas before treatment, but in this case there is no guarantee that they will not appear again. After a blood test and an assessment of the patient's immunity, the doctor selects the appropriate drugs. The course of treatment – 4 months (minimum) as that is how long the HPV development cycle lasts.

Laser therapy using a laser scalpel or a beam, which is carried out at the Linline Clinic, provides maximum efficiency in the removal of papillomas.  

Laser removal of neoplasms – the best way to remove papillomas

Method name 

The essence of the method

Disadvantages and risks


Exposure to liquid nitrogen

- probability of incomplete removal of the neoplasm;


- control of the depth of impact is impossible;


- high probability of incomplete removal (i.e. the need for repeated procedures);


- probability of damage to healthy tissue and, accordingly, scarring;


- the need for careful care of the treated area (after the procedure, a bubble with red bloody fluid forms) in order to avoid infections. 


Chemical removal

Exposure to an acid containing compound

- impossibility to control the depth and area of ​​impact of aggressive substances;


- probability of chemical burns;


- high probability of scarring.


Surgical removal

Scalpel excision

- soreness;


- scarring (always);


- risk of infection;


- rehabilitation period.


Laser coagulation

Laser Beam Impact


Laser removal of papillomas avoids the risks associated with the shortcomings of all the above methods for removing neoplasms on the skin, since the laser coagulation procedure, which is carried out under the strict supervision of the clinic's specialists – this is:

  1. Maximum efficiency: the vast majority of patients (99%) can remove papillomas with a laser in just one session. The need for a repeated procedure – very rare exception.
  2. Absolute safety: during the procedure, qualified specialists constantly monitor the laser effect on the treated skin areas, which helps prevent side effects (burns and scarring).
  3. High comfort: the correct selection of the characteristics of the laser radiation and the observance of the rules of the procedure guarantee the absence of pain and maximum patient comfort.



The effectiveness of such procedures is explained by the fact that the laser simply evaporates the unwanted formation (ablation process) and provides tissue coagulation. Therefore, bleeding during the procedure performed at the Linline Clinic does not occur, and the healing process is fast and is not accompanied by tissue scarring.

After treatment:

The healing period is a week or two. After removal of the papillomas, a crust forms in their place, which must be protected from moisture and physical damage. In this regard, visits to saunas and pools will have to be postponed until the end of the healing period. When the time comes, the crust will fall off on its own, and a red spot will appear in its place, which will naturally disappear after a while.

As you can see, the procedure for removing papillomas with a laser – fast, safe, reliable and the most modern way to eliminate the external signs of HPV. Follow the recommendations of experts – and you will no longer have to worry about how to remove papillomas.

  • Comments (4)

    12 марта 2016, 20:35

    Добрый день.<br />Имеет ли значение время года, для проведения лазерной процедуры удаления папилломы, если у меня папиллома на шее ?

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Where do unwanted formations come from and how to remove papillomas

The appearance of papillomas on the body is caused by the HPV virus. Therefore, before removing papillomas, it is necessary to start treatment in accordance with the type of virus. Laser removal of papillomas after or during treatment is the safest and most effective method of removing papillomas.

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