Как улучшить состояние кожи с помощью кардионагрузок

The appearance of the skin depends not only on the procedures used, mask recipes or cosmetics. First of all, internal health affects the skin: the absence of rashes or acne, radiance, softness and smoothness of the skin. Moreover, by increasing the body's resistance, providing proper nutrition, oxygen and exercise, the appearance of the skin is significantly improved, visibly rejuvenating the face.

During cardio loads, a significant part of the muscles work, blood circulation increases, metabolism improves, detoxification occurs through the skin – And this is not all the benefits that running gives the body. The only thing that can stop jogging – It's laziness and lack of motivation. Let's take a look at how to improve skin condition with cardio.

What are cardio loads, their effect on the body

Many people equate cardio with running. This is not entirely correct.

Cardio is a set of exercises and methods for training the endurance of the heart muscle. Types of cardio training: running, jumping rope, running along the track on the simulator, intensive walking, & nbsp; running in place, cycling, swimming.

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These species provide active blood circulation, oxygenation of cells, training of blood vessels, including muscles, help normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

And since the brain is saturated with oxygen during running and other cardio loads, mental activity also increases. In addition to the cardiovascular system, the human respiratory system is also trained, the risk of colds is reduced. In addition, sleep improves, hormonal levels normalize, mood improves and work capacity increases several times.

Another useful feature of cardio loading – acceleration of detoxification of the body through the skin. While running on the street or on a treadmill in the gym, a person sweats, and together with sweat, toxins and accumulated toxins leave the body. When the body is clogged, failures affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys, and, of course, the skin. Together with sweat, the pores are naturally cleansed and excess sebum is removed, the pores become clean and bright.

Since the body is saturated with oxygen during cardio, each cell receives nutrients for life. The skin is also saturated with oxygen, rejuvenating the epidermis at the cellular level. Oxygen makes the skin cells as receptive as possible to the nutrients that come with food.

Research on the effects of cardio on skin appearance

Scientists at the UK Skin Charity are focusing specifically on cardio, particularly running, which can unlock the secret of how to improve the appearance of the skin. It turns out that the relationship between running and the appearance of the skin is carried out through the normalization of hormonal levels.

Pimples, blackheads or rashes and irritations appear very often due to improper functioning of the endocrine system, violations in the production of hormones by the organs of internal secretion. During jumping or running, the work of the sebaceous glands normalizes, hormones of happiness and pleasure are released, which can set a person up positively.

The University of Texas confirms the positive impact of running and related sports training on the appearance of the skin. Scientists claim that strengthening the arteries can more effectively saturate the body with oxygen and start processes of regeneration of skin cells.

How to improve skin condition: cardio training rules

Expert tips on how to improve the look of your skin through cardio:

  • cardio training should last at least 30 minutes several times a week at least. Ideally, you should practice for 30-40 minutes 3 times a week;
  • Plentiful fluids before, during (if necessary) and after exercise;
  • cardio workouts can consist of one run or other ways: machine and outdoor running, outdoor running and jump rope, treadmill running and swimming. Combine as you like;
  • after cardio, you need to take a shower to wash off the sweat. Make-up can only be applied after a shower;
  • before doing cardio, be sure to warm up to warm up the muscles and increase blood circulation.

Listen to the recommendations of scientists on how to improve the appearance of the skin and improve your health. In addition to a chic appearance, running will give you excellent health, endurance, increased working capacity and mood.


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