Women throw all their efforts and means into the fight against "orange peel". Not everyone can use salon procedures to get rid of cellulite, due to employment or lack of funds. We have to look for alternative ways to improve the appearance of the skin on the body. Cupping or vacuum massage has an excellent physiotherapeutic and cosmetic effect. Every woman can master the technique of performing this procedure and perform cupping massage at home. To do this, you need to purchase banks, study the rules for implementation and allocate time for the procedure. Vacuum massage is indicated to combat cellulite on the arms, legs, thighs, abdomen and back. In addition to a pronounced external effect on the skin, massage has a therapeutic effect on the respiratory system.

Rules for performing anti-cellulite cupping massage

To achieve an unsurpassed result, get rid of bumps on the body, improve well-being and figure, you must remember the rules of cupping massage:

  1. Follow the principle of "measurement" – avoid the groin area and inner thighs – in these areas you can not do massage, the vacuum can harm the lymph flow. Choose your degree of pressure in the bank, do not overdo it when creating pressure. And besides, remember about contraindications (more on that later).
  2. To make cups slide smoothly and without jerks over the skin, lubricate the massage areas on the body with oil (anti-cellulite or children's, specially prepared or bought in a store).
  3. Study the lines that the cup needs to move in order to achieve a therapeutic anti-cellulite effect.
  4. Do not forget about the proper preparation of the skin for massage: rubbing, steaming, scrubbing.

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Cup massage contraindications

As with any other method, cosmetic direction or physiotherapy, there are a number of contraindications for use. Before scheduling procedures, buying cups for massage and starting to perform, study all the contraindications and make sure that you can do this procedure yourself.

Cupping massage is contraindicated in case of:

  • too sensitive skin;
  • high blood pressure;
  • the presence of acute infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • presence of moles on the massage areas;
  • benign or malignant tumors;
  • varicose veins;
  • vascular problems.

Important! It is not recommended to do cupping massage at home on the inside of the thighs and in the groin area, as well as along the spinal column.

Cupping massage at home: technique

You can not start manipulations on the body immediately, without moral and physical preparation. It is very important to tune in to a relaxing mood and prepare everything you need for a massage in advance. Cupping massage technique consists of two stages: preparatory and the procedure itself.

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Preparatory stage

If you want to thoroughly work on all areas of the body where there is cellulite, prepare a special massage oil with the addition of essential oils, which are best suited to combat congestion. Olive oil or flaxseed oil is suitable for the base. Add essential oils to the base and mix thoroughly. Take advantage of special selections of oils that complement each other and enhance the anti-cellulite effect. Recipes for massage oils with olive oil:

  1. add 5 drops of anise, orange and grapefruit oil to the base;
  2. 5 ml of tea tree oil and red pepper (if the skin is sensitive, choose another compound);
  3. 3 ml each of lemon, tangerine, dill oil (dill can be replaced with juniper);
  4. 3 ml of each oil: cypress, lemon, mandarin, vetiver.
  5. 5 ml each of cypress, juniper, lemon and tea tree oils.

Next, prepare jars for massage and think over the sequence of the procedure: legs, stomach, arms, or vice versa.

Proceed to preparing the skin for cupping massage. Take a shower or bath to steam your skin. Scrub or exfoliate your body and rub until red to improve circulation and lymph flow.

How to perform cupping massage at home

Cosmetologists and massage therapists say that chaotic driving of a jar over the body will not bring proper results. Use the tips to properly manipulate banks and break up congestion in the form of bumps and depressions on the skin. First, apply the oil to the skin and spread it evenly, this will ensure the jar slides and protects against bruises or bruises.         



Cupping foot massage

Massage only the outer side of the thigh. It is forbidden to massage the inside, groin area, under the knee. Movement should be vertical from top to bottom. Treatment duration: 10-15 minutes.

Features of buttocks massage

On the buttocks, perform circular movements with the jar from top to bottom. Treatment duration: 5-10 minutes.

Cupping belly massage

On the stomach, the massage time can increase up to 15-20 minutes. If it is difficult to endure 20 minutes, then it is better to stop at a 10-minute procedure. Massage is performed on the abdomen with circular rotating movements of the jar clockwise.

Arm massage is performed from the hand to the shoulder with only direct movements. Massage time: 5-10 minutes.

A few tips from the experts:

  • watch the tension of the skin inside – no more than 1.5 cm;
  • move the jar smoothly, without jerks, trying to keep to the clockwise direction. If the jar slipped out during movement and the tightness was broken, repeat the procedure from the beginning;
  • monitor your feelings, do not allow pain and discomfort, loosen the grip of the skin at the slightest pain;
  • Perform cupping massage at home in a course of 10-12 procedures. The first procedures should start from the minimum time – 2-3 minutes. With each subsequent – add another 2-3 minutes. Keep a break between procedures so that the skin has time to renew – 2-3 days.

Perform cupping massage at home is easy and simple, you just need to allocate time for the procedure. It takes 30 minutes to 1 hour for the treatment, taking into account the preparation and soothing manipulations, which include a shower after the massage and the application of a moisturizer.

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