Beauty and health

How to slow down the aging of the body inside and out: 3 important aspects

Aging – a natural process that does not please anyone. The appearance of the first wrinkles on the skin, problem areas of fat accumulation and other age-related changes terrify both women and men. However, it is important to remember that although we only see the external signs of aging, this process involves the entire body. Therefore, even if you celebrate every birthday with joy without negative thoughts about old age, you need to take care that you maintain health, beauty, cognitive abilities and endurance at any age. has selected for you several ways that will help slow down the aging of the body both outside and inside.

Can aging be slowed down naturally?

Usually, speaking of youth and beauty, we mean the good condition of the skin. This aspect is very important, since it is the outer shell of the body that constantly encounters environmental factors that have a negative impact on it.

Pre-existing signs of skin aging can be corrected through professional cosmetic procedures.

It is possible to erase already manifested signs of skin aging through various cosmetic procedures aimed at solving specific problems – volume replenishment, skin elasticity increase, wrinkle smoothing, removal of pigmentation imperfections, facial contouring face contouring, cellulite control, skin tone smoothing, etc.

However, it is possible to slow down the aging of both the skin and the whole organism in order to significantly delay the need for professional intervention by a cosmetologist. This is:

  • disclaimer of certain products;
  • inclusion of essential substances in the diet;
  • correct exercise selection and stress management.

How to slow down aging by giving up unhealthy foods and drinks

One of the most dangerous enemies of youth is sugar – it significantly ages the skin, damaging collagen and elastin – two proteins needed to protect and hydrate the skin. Due to sugar, the skin loses its elasticity, looks dull and flabby.

Gluten interferes with the body's ability to absorb minerals, resulting in a lack of these essential beauty and health elements. Moreover, gluten leads to an increase in blood sugar levels. Therefore, flour products in the diet, like sugar, are best minimized.

Read also: 9 unexpected signs that indicate gluten intolerance

Give up alcohol completely or limit it to a minimum, as alcoholic beverages slow down the metabolism. In addition to the range of dangers that the body is exposed to when drinking alcohol frequently, alcohol also accelerates the aging process by depriving the skin of moisture.


How to slow down aging through healthy foods

The body needs water – clean, fresh and in sufficient quantities. Firstly, the lack of water slows down the metabolism, and secondly – makes the skin age prematurely. Water is also essential to lubricate joints and flush out toxins, so be sure to provide your body with this precious resource at all times.

Antioxidants fight the problem of free radical damage to cells. Therefore, make sure that the products in your diet contain vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene and other antioxidants.

To slow down aging, it is better to give up sugar, alcohol and gluten, opting for proteins, water and vitamin-containing vegetables and fruits.

Protein – a staple of the diet as it helps regulate insulin levels, balance blood sugar and maintain a healthy weight. Also, in order to repair damaged and grow new muscle tissue, building blocks are needed, which the body receives from protein. And the more muscle mass, the faster the metabolism.

Read also: To help lose weight: how to activate the fat burning process

Collagen and elastin – the main proteins of youthfulness and firmness of the skin, therefore, the use of protein in sufficient quantities helps to slow down aging and improve overall health.

Natural fatty acids, especially omega-3, help regulate hormones and fight inflammation, which helps maintain health and slow down aging.

How to slow down aging through proper exercise and stress management

Chronic high stress levels – cause of serious health problems, incl. heart disease, diabetes, obesity and gastrointestinal problems. Stress takes precious years of your life and accelerates the appearance of wrinkles on the skin. Elevated cortisol levels cause the body to lose the minerals and vitamins it needs. Find a way to manage stress – meditation, exercise, or relaxation techniques.

Strengthening exercises and healthy sleep will help increase muscle mass and burn fat more intensively.

Strengthening exercises may not be to everyone's taste, but they help to increase muscle mass and burn fat, which subsequently contributes to more efficient calorie burning, combating oxidative stress. Such exercises – one of the best ways to slow down aging.

Unhealthy sleep – one of the causes of hormonal imbalance, elevated cortisol levels and oxidative stress. During sleep, growth hormone is produced, which protects against premature aging. Lack of sleep leads to bags, dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles.

According to, there is nothing complicated in slowing down aging. Main – find a comprehensive solution that will take into account all the individual characteristics of your body. Staying beautiful and healthy requires self-discipline and determination.

  • Comments (2)

    25 апреля 2018, 11:17

    Все дело в том, чтобы сосредоточиться на тех продуктах питания, которые дают вам правильные питательные вещества. При правильной диете вы можете добавить годы к своей жизни, защитить свои клетки и избежать многих признаков раннего старения.

  • Comments (2)

    13 сентября 2019, 08:36

    Смеяться, петь, танцевать.

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