Surely in your life you have seen more than once women who behave like royalty and in every possible way broadcast such a state. And what signs in the appearance and behavior of the lady indicate that you really have such a truly royal person in front of you (of course, you guess that we are not talking about blue blood, but about the manner of behaving)? Does she have a special look, gait, smile, does she hold her chin in a special way, fills the space with a trail of wonderful aroma? All this is so. Is it possible in the modern world to learn all the royal wisdom, to become a king, etc.? In all the details of this phenomenon understands & nbsp; 

"Attributes" royalty: learning to act like royalty


The royal look can be described as appreciative, it is a kind of condescending look, but not arrogant, not derogatory.

A true queen has a good command of acting techniques, she looks appraisingly at the person standing in front of her, gradually lowering her eyes, studying all the details of the image, in order to finally "put" some point.

What else is there in the look of a female queen? Of course, this is his directness. You will never find the queen in a conversation, which, as if she had forgotten something and, trying to remember the right words, wanders her eyes around the floor, around, translates it up, etc.



The indispensable "attribute" there is a smile on the face of the queen, but the position of the lips in this case of the woman is a little special, namely: these are somewhat raised corners of the lips. Try to imagine such a state: as if a thread is being stretched from the corners of your lips up your cheeks and tied at the very top of your head. You will feel that the lips really lift up a little. Such a smile – a very important sign that the queen is set to communicate, i.e., a "green light" is given when she can be approached. And always this smile is friendly.


As for the origins of the phenomenon, earlier in high-ranking families, girls were taught a special manner of walking, putting on them long robes. Typically, such a robe was at least 4 & ndash; 5 m long and weighed more than 10 kg. Agree, a very difficult and uncomfortable burden, which, nevertheless, obliged to "carry" yourself in a special way. That is, the gait should not just be heavy, but, on the contrary, it suggests, as we would say today, a podium confident step, when the shoulders are somewhat moved back.

Chin position

In ancient times, in order for their chin to constantly stay in a straight, not down, state, they wore it inserted into the jugular fossa (it is located in the front of the neck, at the junction of the collarbones with the sternum, lower than the Adam's apple; when tilting the head forward, the chin rests precisely in this area) and a dagger resting against the chin with a tip. This is known to be a small knife, and it was made for each lady exclusively in size 90°; angle made by her thumb and forefinger. Now imagine what it is like to walk with such a device every day for several hours. However, the result of such ordeals was a forever acquired habit of keeping the chin in a slightly raised state.

Of course, one should not forget about the position of the back: it was necessary to keep it straight, so that the figure would not take on a crooked appearance.


True queens are always unfussy, unsharp. And this circumstance also has a certain basis. Previously, in dignitary families, young ladies often got family jewels: massive rings, with voluminous, heavy stones. And such jewelry was by no means altered to fit the graceful thin fingers of the ladies who were at court, and that is why there was such a habit – keep your fingers together. And if they are collected and fussily “not sorted out”, you must agree, this is elegant and beautiful.

A lady who presents herself like a king, of course, uses non-futile gestures: if she shows something, such a gesture carries considerable semantic meaning.

Of course, these are not all recommendations, following which you can acquire "attributes"; royal behavior, however, the main milestones for moving in a given direction, & nbsp; nevertheless provided.

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