Лечение картофельным соком при язвах, гастритах и прочих заболеваниях

Freshly squeezed potato juice – excellent remedy for the whole body. You can prepare it by using a juicer or by rubbing potatoes on a fine grater and squeezing the juice with gauze. Depending on the desired effect, potato juice can be applied externally or taken orally. Remember that the effectiveness of such juice disappears after 10 minutes after contact with air, and also that it is better to use pink varieties for potato juice. In no case should potatoes be green, sluggish and lie in the sun for a long time. The optimal time for taking potato juice – from July to February.

Potato juice – benefits for the body outside and inside

Fresh potato juice has a bunch of health benefits that are lost in cooked potatoes. In particular, he:

  1. Strengthens the immune system (due to the presence of vitamin C).
  2. Strengthens the health of the hair, protects it from external "threats" and promotes growth (great for use as a hair mask ingredient).
  3. Moisturizes the skin, relieves pain from burns, promotes skin cell regeneration (works both from the inside and outside).
  4. Helps with joint and back pain (due to its anti-inflammatory properties).
  5. Strengthens the heart (prevents blockage of blood vessels).
  6. Prevents premature aging of the skin, fights acne and dark circles under the eyes.
  7. Helps with ulcers (the most common use of potato juice – for gastritis, colitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers and hyperacidity – all due to its acid-reducing and healing properties).
  8. Promotes liver and gallbladder health (helps to remove toxins from the body).
  9. Improves digestion (with regular use, reduces the incidence of constipation, diarrhea, bloating and indigestion).
  10. Lowers cholesterol (potassium, vitamins A, B, C, calcium and iron help regulate cholesterol levels).

Potato juice treatment – security rules

Before starting treatment with potato juice (which should not exclude the measures and preparations prescribed by the attending physician), it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the “safety precautions”; treatment with this juice. Namely:

  1. Potato juice should not be taken if you have low stomach acidity, diabetes mellitus or increased gas formation (fermentation processes).
  2. Only freshly squeezed potato juice that has not stood for more than 10 minutes is suitable for consumption.
  3. Only juice made from green potato tubers will be harmful.
  4. Treatment is best done between July and February (plan a course of juice intake at the end of summer – autumn, so as not to miscalculate).
  5. Pink varieties – most suitable for treatment.
  6. It is recommended to limit the consumption of meat, fish, pickles and smoked meats, sweets and spices as much as possible. Vegetables and fruits should predominate in the diet.
  7. Be sure to consult your doctor!

Potato juice treatment – what diseases can you get rid of

It is necessary to take potato juice for treatment according to certain schemes, which vary depending on the disease, but one rule remains: it is taken half an hour before meals.


  1. Gastritis, heartburn: 1 glass of juice on an empty stomach, after taking it, spend half an hour in bed, then have breakfast. Number of courses – 3, reception scheme - 10/10 (reception/break).
  2. Ulcers: for 20 days, 30 minutes before meals (3 times a day), drink potato juice, gradually increasing the amount from a third of a glass to three-quarters of a glass.
  3. Pyelonephritis: add cranberry juice and take 0.5 cup three times a day.
  4. Angina and sore throat
  5. : several times a day, take a potato juice rinse procedure, alternating with a carrot and cabbage juice rinse.
  6. Hypertension
  7. : take half a glass of potato juice a couple of times a day (before meals, of course).
  8. Constipation
  9. (same regimen as for hypertension).
  10. Pancreatitis
  11. : mix 100 g of potato juice with 100 g of carrot juice and drink 0.5 hours before meals (3 times a day). Lie down for half an hour. After a week, stop taking the juice, and after a month, repeat the course.
  12. Fibroids
  13. : 1 glass of juice on an empty stomach for 2–5 months
  14. Despite the effectiveness, positive reviews about the treatment with potato juice and its safety for most people, in no case do not resort to self-medication – consult with your doctor: firstly, he will better determine the dosage you need, and secondly, he will determine the presence of possible contraindications. And remember: potato juice is good for prevention or as an addition to the main course of treatment!  

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