Roszdravnadzor spoke about the procedure for admitting medical and pharmaceutical workers to refugees from Ukraine who were educated outside the former USSR.

According to the letter of Roszdravnadzor dated 08.07.2014 N 01i-975 / 14 "On the procedure for admission to medical and pharmaceutical activities in the Russian Federation", a person claiming the right to engage in such activities in the Russian Federation applies to Rosobrnadzor to undergo the procedure for nostrification of a document on education received in a foreign country.

It also requires confirmation of the equivalence of documents on basic higher and secondary specialized education issued by educational institutions of Ukraine in the period from 05/15/1992 to 05/26/2000.

Those who wish to apply to Roszdravnadzor (109074, Moscow, Slavyanskaya square, 4, building 1) with a statement of the established form and documents according to the approved list.

Notarized copies with translation into Russian are also accepted:

  • passports with translation into Russian;
  • diploma of education with translation into Russian;
  • documents on postgraduate education with translation into Russian;
  • information about previous work in the specialty (work book and other documents);
  • when changing the surname - documents confirming the change of surname.

Also attached are two photographs 4x5 cm, black and white, matte, without a corner, and a copy of the letter from Rosobrnadzor on the equivalence of a diploma of higher or secondary education - if necessary, passing the procedure for recognizing foreign documents on education.

The collected documents can be submitted personally to Roszdravnadzor or sent by mail.

Upon receipt of the application, Roszdravnadzor considers it within 5 working calendar days, after which it decides whether to send the applicant to take the exam. If the exam in the specialty is successfully passed, a specialist certificate is issued within three working days, according to which the applicant can officially start working in the specialty.

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