Beauty and health

Snail mucin is the secret ingredient in snail creams

Муцин улиток – секретный ингредиент «улиточных кремов»

Snail mucin, also called snail mucus or secretion, has become one of the most sought-after ingredients in cosmetics. Creams and other skin care products containing snail mucus, along with snail therapy (i.e. massage done by the snails themselves, guided by the hands of the owner), are a great way to maintain youthful and beautiful skin. What is the secret of the success of snails in cosmetology? What are the unique properties of snail mucus extract?

Snail Mucin – ingredient popularity secret

Snail secretion filtrate, which is included in cosmetics, has unique properties, which is why Korean cosmetics are so effective. It is important to understand that the snail secretes two types of mucus:

  • lubricant that facilitates the movement of the snail on various surfaces and protects it from damage;
  • A secret that is released in response to stressful situations or physical damage to the snail shell.

Both types of snail mucus have a beneficial effect on the skin, but the mucus secreted in response to stress and damage has not only a rejuvenating effect, but also a healing effect.

The benefits of snail mucin for the skin are clear. This is:

  • exfoliation;
  • moisturizing;
  • protection;
  • restore;
  • deceleration of aging;
  • increasing skin elasticity;
  • skin firming;
  • scar reduction;
  • skin tone smoothing;
  • wrinkle smoothing;
  • reducing the severity of age spots.

How is snail mucin extracted for use in cosmetics?

"Snail cream", as already called cream containing snail secretion filtrate, is made on the basis of snail mucin, obtained by physical impact on snails. To do this, snails are first grown in special conditions (on farms), and then they are subjected to rotation and / or shake, thereby causing them to produce "stress slime". After that, the process of collecting mucus with water begins. The collected mucus is cleaned of contaminants and separated from the water. The snails don't die, just stress enough to release the mucin.


The presence of the following substances in it determines the benefits of snail mucus:

  • allantoin;
  • collagen;
  • elastin;
  • chitosan;
  • glycolic acid;
  • proteases;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamins B6 and B12.

The resulting snail secretion filtrate is included in the composition of the following agents:

  • masks (for lips and whole face);
  • gels;
  • serum;
  • creams (for eyes and whole face);
  • eye patches;
  • foam cleanser;
  • essences for the face;
  • facial toners;
  • and even shampoos.

Snail mucin promotes the activation of fibroblasts, which are involved in the regulation of processes occurring in the epidermis. Among the functions of fibroblasts is the synthesis of collagen and elastin – the same proteins that provide firmness and elasticity to the skin. The fact is that with age, the number of fibroblasts in the skin decreases. In addition, their activity is reduced. This trend is associated with the appearance of signs of aging:

  • dull skin;
  • flabbiness of the skin;
  • wrinkles, etc.

Clinical studies show that snail mucin can slow down the aging process in the skin. We do not notice changes that occur at the cellular level, however, the appearance of the skin speaks eloquently about the effectiveness of this ingredient: a decrease in the severity and number of wrinkles, a decrease in inflammation, redness, acne and other skin imperfections.

  • Comments (1)

    14 марта 2016, 15:55

    Пользуюсь уже полгода этой маркой и очень довольна результатом. Лицо стало лучше, кожа подтянулась, синяки под глазами уменьшились и поры сузились. Если так пойдет и дальше, то точно не нужна будет никакая мезотерапия.

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