Нервная система человека: чем баловать и от чего беречь

Human nervous system – a well-thought-out and complex system thanks to which a person is able to think, cognize the world with the help of feelings, interact with other people and be a reasonable person, a person. In order for the nervous system to be healthy, it is necessary to take care of it, because if its functions are disturbed, a person, even physically healthy, cannot live a full life.

Estet-portal.com will tell you what to do to maintain the health of the nervous system, and what to avoid.

What Benefits the Human Nervous System

In order not to frighten yourself or others with nervous breakdowns, it is necessary to indulge the nervous system with the following:

  1. Fresh air

The human central nervous system loves fresh air very much. Do not forget that a quarter of oxygen and other nutrients are absorbed by the brain. Accordingly, the lack of these substances, as well as the B vitamins and nicotinic acid, necessary for the proper functioning of neurons, is detrimental to the nervous system. Therefore, in addition to regular walks in the fresh air, "feed" brain with the following products:

  • legumes;
  • fish;
  • whole grain bread;
  • porridges (buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • meat;
  • offal.
  1. Sleep and water procedures

Even if you regularly eat the most beneficial foods for the human nervous system, without good sleep, it will not work properly. Despite the fact that the brain almost never sleeps, being engaged in the control of vital processes, the time of your sleep is necessary for it to structure and remember information, as well as recovery.

As for water procedures,  they also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and a contrast shower also helps to improve the condition of the skin and prolong its youth.

  1. Alternate activity

The brain does not like to constantly engage in one type of activity, so experts emphasize the need for both mental and physical labor for each person. The intensity of this activity may vary depending on your preferences and physical abilities.

  1. Movement

Mobility, an active lifestyle help to strengthen not only muscles and ligaments, but also the human nervous system. The brain reacts to physical activity by releasing endorphins, so active people often have a much stronger nervous system than those who spend the day in a sitting position.

  1. Joy

Joy has a good effect on the state of the nervous system. At the same time, it is not necessary to rejoice in – cheer up, make laugh, console your neighbor – and you will be less susceptible to nervous system disturbances.

What should the human nervous system be protected from

The human nervous system is vulnerable to various kinds of factors, from which it must be protected as far as possible, these are:

  1. Infectious and other diseases

Any pathogens attack the cells of the nervous system, causing us to feel weak and in pain. Therefore, an infection (viral or bacterial origin - it does not matter) should be treated by a specialist in order to avoid complications from the nervous system. Diseases of the ears, sinuses, infectious and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity (teeth, gums, etc.) in advanced cases can reach the meninges and harm the nervous system.

  1. Tick bites

No one is safe from ticks that carry the encephalitis virus. Therefore, getting out into nature, it is necessary to take all precautions that allow you to protect yourself from the bites of these insidious insects.

  1. Injuries

The most dangerous head injuries for the human nervous system, fraught with impaired blood supply at the site of injury, hemorrhages in the brain, which lead to mental disorders, motor functions and death. In case of a head injury, be sure to check with a specialist, and also remember that an unsuccessful fall on the coccyx can also cause a concussion.

  1. Stress

Constant stress affects not only the human nervous system, but throughout the body. There are many techniques to protect or relieve stress, find the one that works for you and don't let chronic stress overcome you.

  1. Noise

This problem is well known to the residents of megacities, when it seems that the city never sleeps. Many people harm themselves by leaving the TV or other sources of noise on at night. A person who is accustomed to sleeping in such conditions does not even suspect that the nervous system does not like it. Try to sleep in complete silence at night so as not to wake up in the morning irritable and tired.

If you dream of nerves as strong as ropes, make sure that your nervous system receives the maximum of useful substances, fresh air and enough rest. Don't forget to take care of your health as all body systems are connected!

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