It is not uncommon for both women and men to get dark armpits. In itself, this is not a disease (although it may be the result of certain diseases) and does not carry any danger at all. However, everyone will agree that dark armpits look pretty unaesthetic. They make you feel ashamed of your body, feel uncomfortable. What could be the causes of such an unpleasant phenomenon, is it possible to whiten the armpits at home and how to do it with the greatest effect, will tell.

Why armpits darken: possible reasons

The problem of dark armpits is often experienced by those who suffer from type II diabetes. This happens because insulin reacts with the dermis; melanin is produced more intensively, as a result, certain areas of the body, including the armpits, become darker.

If the armpits darken, but you do not suffer from diabetes, the reasons for such an aesthetic defect may lie in the following disorders and diseases:


  • allergies;
  • hormonal imbalance during pregnancy;
  • dermal hyperpigmentation;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • increased blood insulin level;
  • addison's or bronze disease – hypocorticism;

Of course, dark armpits – it is unpleasant, inconvenient and unattractive. But you should not despair: simple natural remedies help to solve this problem.

The choice is yours!


Underarm whitening at home: the best remedies


The simplest and most effective way to lighten underarms. Everything you need to do when using it – cut in half and lubricate problem areas with it. You can use this type of citrus fruit as often as you see fit.

It is worth noting that after applying lemon juice, it is not recommended to use deodorants or other cosmetic products manufactured in an industrial way. You should not worry about the possible appearance of the smell of sweat: lemon solves this problem no worse than a natural deodorant. 

And one more important point: when using lemon in the above way, avoid being in the sun, otherwise its brightening capabilities may turn into a new problem for you.


The use of deodorants that contain alcohol or antiperspirants that do not allow the skin to fully breathe often leads to irritation of the dermis. To keep armpits healthy, while avoiding their darkening, talc helps quite effectively. This mineral substance perfectly absorbs moisture, therefore your armpits will remain dry. At the same time, the use of talc will get rid of the smell of sweat. In extreme cases, talc together with lemon can be used to more effectively stop the unpleasant odor. To do this, first apply lemon juice to the skin of the armpits, let it dry and then use talc.


The fatty acids and vitamins in this product are incredibly beneficial for our skin. They take care of her health and help to reduce the pigmentation of those areas that need clarification.

Natural yogurt should be used as follows: 2 tbsp. l. fermented milk product and left for 20 minutes, then washed off. After that, common deodorizer can be used. And the lemon juice applied after the yogurt will help to enhance the brightening effect.

Turmeric and Cucumber

Turmeric acts as a non-aggressive scrub on the skin, which rids it of dead cells (they are often the cause of darkening of our armpits). And cucumber juice is widely known as an effective clarifier. A mask made from these natural ingredients is gentle on the skin, so its "services" it is quite possible to use at least 2 times a week.

So, stir 1 tsp. spices in the juice of 1 medium cucumber and apply the prepared product on the underarm skin. Wash off the mask after half an hour. 

Potato juice (in this case, you should be patient, because the result does not appear immediately) and a paste made from vinegar and rice flour (the ingredients are taken equally) also do a great job with lightening the armpits.

It is worth taking seriously the problem of dark armpits that bothers you, and soon you will successfully solve it.

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