The main task of peeling is to deeply cleanse the scalp from keratinized scales, excess sebum – sebum and cosmetic residues, accumulated hair and skin surface. Peeling is actively used for the prevention and treatment of various problems associated with the scalp and is an effective remedy for eliminating dandruff that appears due to increased fat content.

Due to regular deep cleansing, the regeneration of the scalp is accelerated, cell metabolism is activated, and skin tone is stimulated. Thus, the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the hair roots is improved, provoking their growth.
After peeling, the effect of various hair care products is enhanced, so this procedure is often used as a preparatory stage before exposure to more specialized care in salons and clinics who are engaged in the restoration and treatment of hair.

Scalp peeling procedure in the salon

The peeling procedure is now practiced by many salons, using professional and medical cosmetics containing more active and effective components than home care products.

Hair peeling in the salon – component of comprehensive care. Exfoliators are applied to clean (dry or damp) hair. Then, for a certain time, the master massages the head, after which he washes off the remnants of the product along with the keratinized particles of the skin.

The final stage of the procedure is the application of a moisturizing (nourishing, regenerating) mask, lotion or serum to the hair.

Scalp peeling at home

As a rule, home peeling products contain less active substances than professional products.
If you prefer natural products, salt peeling of the scalp is suitable for you.

For this you will need finely ground salt (preferably sea salt) in an amount of 2 to 5 tablespoons, depending on the length of the hair. Salt should be poured with warm water and salt gruel should be applied to the head, rubbing it into the scalp with massage movements. After the massage, you should wait 5-19 minutes, rinse off the salt and wash your hair with shampoo.

This procedure should be carried out once a week. According to hair health experts, salt peeling is best applied in courses – for 4-8 weeks, after which it is better to interrupt the application for several months to avoid drying out the skin.
If there are wounds, scratches and microcracks on the scalp – you should refuse any peeling.

Read also: "Scalp peeling: good or bad?"

What products are available for scalp peeling

Means intended for head peeling can be of completely different consistency – these are peeling creams and special intensively cleansing shampoos, masks with an exfoliating effect and hair scrubs.

There are mechanical and chemical scalp peels. In the first case, cleansing occurs due to microgranules, thanks to which all excess is removed and the skin is not injured. For the procedure of chemical peeling, agents consisting of active substances are used that remove dead skin cells of the epidermis.

In addition to exfoliating, these products also have healing properties, as they contain antifungal components that inhibit the growth of microorganisms that cause dandruff. Auxiliary components of scalp peeling products are essential oils.

In order for your hair to remain a subject of your pride, it is important to remember about regular hair care, one of the most important components of which is scalp peeling.


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