Practically every child goes through a period in their life when trying to pronounce the word with the letter "P" are futile, the sound is distorted and it turns out something like "smile" instead of  "fish", "long" instead of "road" and so on. For kids, a similar speech impediment – this phenomenon is temporary and quite correctable, but burriness is also observed in some adults. On today you will find out why burr occurs in adults and what speech therapists advise in order to eliminate this problem.

Burr in adults: causes and treatments

Scientific name for burr – dyslalia. This is a violation of the pronunciation of sounds with normal hearing and unimpaired innervation of the articulatory apparatus. Burr in adults can be expressed to varying degrees, and if some people live their whole lives without attaching importance to their "features", others may have serious problems in social life, provoked by this pathology.

There are a lot of reasons for burr in adults, but there really is an effective method to fix the problem!

Read more about the causes of burr and methods of its treatment on

Burriness in adults:

  • main causes of burr in adults;
  • treatment of burr in adults: what speech therapists advise.

The main causes of burr in adults

Burr in adults can be both congenital and acquired pathology. Among the main reasons for the violation of the pronunciation of the sound "p"; most common:

  • short frenulum – it is a congenital defect that greatly hinders the normal movement of the tongue during speech, resulting in the pronunciation of some sounds is significantly more difficult. Tongue frenulum – this is the most common cause of burr in adults;


  • traumatic damage to the tongue, gums, teeth or other structures involved in the process of pronouncing sounds can also cause burriness;
  • genetically determined disorders – these are pathologies that arose during the intrauterine development of a child, resulting in a speech defect both in childhood and in adulthood;
  • weak tongue muscles – a problem that occurs, most often, due to prolonged pacifier sucking by an infant. If the child does not receive food in which the tongue is involved in chewing, his muscles do not develop normally and burr occurs;
  • problems from childhood – if a child burrs in childhood, and parents do not pay enough attention to this problem, or communication in two languages ​​is practiced in the family, for example, in French and Russian, burr in childhood can turn into a problem that accompanies a person in adulthood.

Treatment of burr in adults: what speech therapists advise

To fix burr in adults is much more difficult than in childhood, but it cannot be said that it is – impossible task. A prerequisite is a visit to a speech therapist, since only a specialist can conduct an examination of the state of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, prescribe the necessary amount of treatment for the patient and select the necessary methods for correcting a pronunciation defect at the rehabilitation stage.

Speech material – this is the main tool in the fight against burr at any age.

Constant pronunciation training over time will help get rid of an unpleasant speech defect and significantly improve the quality of human life. Read more interesting articles on the pages of the portal

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