Gout deforms people's bodies, restricting their movement. This disease can overtake at any time, both day and night, while brushing your teeth or at the time of a lecture. How not to fall into the predatory trap of the disease? How to get out of it alive? Why did the gout set its vile traps on the life path of the fateful thicket? Read more about this in the article on estet-portal.com.

Gout hunting: how to recognize the beast in the wild?

The symptoms of gout are very palpable and colorful. Her attack can overtake at any moment, but most often, it comes after a meal, when they have long wished a bon appetit. Basically, gout starts to bother at night, causing a person to wake up from sleep.

The most favorite site of gout is the big toe. During an attack, it begins to swell, redden and heat up. The local temperature of the affected area can reach up to 40 degrees. All this is accompanied by twisting pain in the inflamed joint.

However, gout can tickle not only the toe, but also the knee, elbow, shoulder and hip joints. How do people manage to fall into this trap of pain, becoming a hostage to the disease?

What does a gouty trap look like?

podagra-kak-vydrat-nogu-iz-kapkanaGout was previously considered a purely male disease, but now it does not go over its victims too much, sweeping away the most pliable. She spares no one. Even Ivan the Terrible himself fell into her insidious trap, the unsuspecting Michelangelo, A. Pushkin and even Jared Leto, whose angelic beauty could not even pity gout, followed his menacing footsteps. This disease became especially popular in the 19th century. If bombs had existed then, the Rossiya TV channel would I would sternly report that Napoleon had sent gout by dropping it in a bomb. However, this "bomb" came from the east.

Even in the time of Alexander the Great, gout was prevalent in society. The reason was the excessive use of spices brought from the east. In the era of classicism, these dishes were especially popular; various marinades and preserves were added to them. Only rich people could afford such delicacies, so the plebeians continued to walk around with a healthy blush on their cheeks.

Because such products are readily available to everyone these days, gout has become much more common.

The development of this disease is prompted by kidney ailments, as well as metabolic disorders. Gout is expressed in the improper outflow of uric acid, most of which does not go out, but enters the bloodstream. As a result, unfavorable urinary elements are deposited around the joints, most often – around small joints, forming a kind of crystalline growths. As a result, the joints are deformed and limited in movement, which can lead to disability.

These growths, in turn, can induce a number of other complex diseases, including atherosclerosis, varicose veins, various types of arthritis and arthrosis, as well as many other ailments.

 With prolonged gout, tophi begin to form in the body. These are small crystal-like formations, reaching from a few millimeters to 1-2 centimeters. The deposition of tophi begins with the auricles and can later form in any other soft tissues of the body, as well as on the internal organs.

How to get out of the gouty trap?

It is worth noting that the causes of gout development are hidden in the wrong lifestyle and diet. Therefore, the course of treatment should be accompanied not only by taking prescribed medications, but also by proper nutrition and exercise. Nutrition should be systematic and occur at the same time. From the diet it is necessary to exclude or minimize the use of the following products:

  • Seasonings;
  • Fats:
  • Meat and fish:
  • Pulses (including chocolate and cocoa);
  • Canned food;
  • Marinades;
  • Fried food;
  • Alcohol.

Smoking is also prohibited, as it aggravates the course of the disease, thereby hindering the healing process.

During the treatment period, it is necessary to eat food that can flush the body from adverse components. Such products include watermelon, melon, citrus fruits, dairy products, greens.

It is also important to lead an active lifestyle. The treatment of gout requires the acceleration of the metabolic process and blood circulation. To do this, you need to actively move. In addition to systematic sports activities, a tonic massage is recommended.

There are also a number of folk methods. Among them are the use of tinctures of calendula, dill seeds, Veronica officinalis and many other herbs. The use of such drinks often does not lead to negative consequences. But it is better to drink 4 glasses of pure water a day. The proposed cold compresses and hot baths can be detrimental to health. It is noteworthy that a patient with gout should avoid hypothermia or heating, since the disease is accompanied by inflammatory processes. It is also worth noting that before the advent of adequate academic medicine, diseases swept humanity away in unorganized heaps. But, distributing their effective recipes, folk healers are not inclined to give such statistics.

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