Any operation in which an organ of the body is removed entails a change in the previously habitual life. Amputation of the uterus in women deprives them, one might say, of a sexual characteristic, so the period after the operation to remove the uterus has many of its own characteristics and difficulties. After all, it is not in vain that doctors recommend surgical intervention in such cases, when the situation is completely hopeless and the problem cannot be solved in other ways. How to behave in this special period – figured out the essence of the situation.
Recovery period after hysterectomy
The recovery stage is conditionally divided into two types: recovery in a hospital and at home.
Inpatient recovery phase
The time spent within the walls of the medical institution depends on the method used for the operation, but on average, the stage does not last more than 10 days. It is most important to follow the following recommendations in the first 2-3 days after the intervention:
- to avoid blood stasis, one should get out of bed, but only after the approval of a doctor who knows the patient's condition;
- the diet these days consists of broths and grated vegetables, as a drink – weak tea;
- pain, which, unfortunately, is inevitable, is relieved by drugs prescribed by a doctor;
- positive attitude, because soon the discharge, and do not lose heart.
Home recovery after hysterectomy
Rehabilitation at home with open surgery may take up to 2 months, but following all the rules of this period will help you return to normal life in the future. So, follow these guidelines:
- wear a bandage to provide support for the muscles in the lower abdomen, it is especially important to use a corset for mothers of large families;
- do not carry heavy loads, the acceptable weight of the cargo during this period is up to 3 kilograms, and this has its advantages, let your man accompany you to the store and help you carry the purchases;
- postpone sex for 6 weeks after surgery;
- for one and a half months, forget about sunbathing, saunas, bathing and swimming in ponds.
Psychological state after hysterectomy
There is no escape from the feeling of inferiority at first, and the main thing – accept the support of relatives, and not close in their problems. Life is not over – it continues, but it is psychologically difficult to tune in to the positive. The fact is that the first 2 months the body also adapts to the loss of such an important organ, and it is not strange that during this period women experience such conditions as nightmares, insomnia, and depression.
It is easier for patients to undergo surgery in old age, because childbearing functions are often already completed. Young girls feel inferior, so the support of the stronger sex is important to improve the psycho-emotional state.
Removal of the uterus is not only a complex surgical intervention, but also a procedure that changes the patient's life. To live fully further, it is important to behave correctly during the rehabilitation period – do not wear heavy objects, wear a corset, prevent negative psychological attitudes, etc.
Intimate life after hysterectomy
After 2 months after the procedure for removing the uterus, if there are no complications, you can return to sexual activity. Women's fears have no grounds, that along with the uterus, sexual desire has also gone. After all, the most sensitive cells are located at the entrance to the genital organ, so the operation does not affect the sensations during sex.
Some patients share that their sex life has become even brighter for both them and their partners, because there is no need to protect themselves. Doctors do not rule out some pain at first, because sometimes a scar forms on the vagina.
Sport after hysterectomy
Another misconception that a woman should not be active if her uterus has been removed. Yes, heavy sports will be closed for her, but modern fitness clubs offer a huge number of easy activities for women of all ages.
Doctors advise starting sports activities 3 months after the procedure. The most common types of exercises – this is Pilates and body flex, the benefits of yoga in this case are also great. Do not forget that during classes you not only strengthen your body, but also get positive emotions, which is no less important. If you don’t feel like going to the gym, then buy a fitball for yourself, you can use it to do various exercises.
Complications after hysterectomy
If the recovery period passed in compliance with all the rules and recommendations of doctors, then complications can be avoided. But sometimes a neglected attitude to the advice of doctors and one's health leads to the following complications:
- constipation;
- adhesion formation;
- hemorrhoids;
- thrombus formation;
- urinary incontinence.
There is a set of special Kegel exercises, the purpose of which is to eliminate complications and strengthen the muscles of the vagina. Their implementation does not require special training or special equipment, the main thing – your time and willingness to exercise. Find out how massage of acupuncture points on the body overcomes diseases, read useful information on this topic.
After the procedure, there is no need to give up on yourself, a woman can lead a full sexual life, play sports, be active and carefree. A positive attitude and following the recommendations of doctors will save you from unpleasant complications of the operation.
If your doctor has prescribed you amputation of the uterus, then it is too early to despair and be angry at the whole world, because every day hundreds of women around the world undergo such procedures, and their life does not end there. Life after the removal of the uterus has its own characteristics, you can’t argue with that, but they are not so significant and noticeable. Main – to go through the rehabilitation period correctly, and over time, you can return to your favorite daily activities. Go in for sports, take a walk, take care of your loved ones, and they will appreciate it, because being a woman – it is God's gift, not gender difference.
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