A sincere, beautiful smile of the interlocutor always disposes to communication and inspires confidence. It is not surprising that it is cheerful and radiant people who often find themselves in the center of attention, because others are drawn to them like a magnet. But in order to illuminate everyone with a perfect smile, it is important to monitor your oral health and devote enough time to caring for your teeth.


In addition to regular home treatments, you should also remember about professional care. With the help of professional teeth cleaning, dental deposits and tartar are removed.

Professional oral care — this is the basis for the prevention of caries and periodontal development. The main causes of such pathologies are plaque and microorganisms hiding in it.

In this video you can see how the professional teeth cleaning procedure is carried out using the latest generation Piezon Master 600 ultrasonic device.

Smile more often, because life is beautiful and amazing!

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