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Spread your wings and extend your beak: Bakasana technique

In Sanskrit, Bakasana means “crane posture”. This position of the body helps to improve blood circulation in the coccyx and abdominal cavity, which has a beneficial effect on the organs that are located in this area. In addition, doing this asana helps to strengthen the wrists and hands. These arguments are enough to make Bakasana one of your favorite exercises. Find out in the article about the technique of performing Bakasana and the benefits of the crane pose.

Bakasana: technique for beginners

  1. Move your legs and squat down, while the soles of your feet should be firmly pressed to the floor. Next, lift your seat off the floor and try to balance.
  2. Spread your knees and tilt your torso forward. While exhaling, put your hands behind your knees and place your palms on the floor. Bend your arms at the elbows and lift your heels off the floor. Bring your torso forward, placing your shins on top of your arms. Take a few breaths in and out.
  3. As you exhale, tilt your body forward, lift your toes off the floor. Straighten your arms so that the weight of the body is transferred to the hands. You should be in this position for 20-30 seconds, while maintaining measured breathing.
  4. Exhaling, bend your elbows, lower your torso and legs. Squat down and relax.

Recommendations for Crane Pose

To master the technique of performing Bakasana, you should adhere to the following rules:

the body should be as compact as possible, the heels and buttocks should rush towards each other;

the muscles of the inner and back of the thigh should be in good shape, just like the muscles of the press – this will help guide the knees towards each other;

due to the fact that the spine is bent, in the crane position, the respiratory movements of the chest are minimized. You should not forget to perform smooth, shallow inhalations and exhalations;

stay in the asana for as long as you feel comfortable;

you need to control the pressure on your hands – palms pressed tightly, body weight does not press on the wrists;

in yoga, all movements are performed smoothly and the Bakasana technique is also based on measured, smooth movements. Don't rush and don't jump your feet;

Crane pose is contraindicated in case of wrist injuries, stop if you feel pain in your wrist.

Since the technique of Bakasana is quite difficult to master without prior training, you should first learn how to perform the following asanas: Virasana, Balasana, BaddhaKonasana, AdhaMukhaSvanasana, Plank Pose.

What are the benefits of the Crane Pose?

By mastering the Bakasana technique, you will be able to strengthen the wrists and arms, stretch the muscles of the upper back, open the groin area, strengthen the abdominal muscles and tone the abdominal muscles.

  • Comments (1)

    25 августа 2015, 12:14

    Йога была и есть одно из лучших средств по улучшению нашего здоровье. Только не все упражнения быстро и легко дадутся. Над некоторыми придется немного попотеть. Бакасан одно из таких упражнений.

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