Lamination of nails – nasty problem. It causes a lot of inconvenience: nails cling to clothes, the varnish does not last long on them, cause pain and look ugly. This problem is faced not only by men, but by women. However, the question of aesthetics, this is the second matter.
Lamination of the nail plate – the first bell that something is missing in the body or you are not very careful about your hands. Let's be curious, why do nails exfoliate? How to solve the problem of ugly nails?
Why do nails exfoliate
While studying this issue, we found that the problem of nail delamination lies not only in internal, but also in external factors. By their appearance, you can determine the general condition of the human body from
Here are some possible causes of poor nail plate health:
- Internal Health Factor. Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body leads to brittle nails. But not only an insufficient amount of calcium, as is commonly believed, affects this problem. Selenium, zinc, silicon and sulfur may also be deficient. No silicon – no elasticity, no selenium – the nail plate becomes thinner, there is no sulfur – the smoothness of the nail suffers. Also, the condition of the nails can be a reflection of internal diseases: liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, thyroid gland, hormonal failures.
- External health factor. Peeling nails are also associated with fungal diseases. Stratification of the nail plate, brittleness, loss of a healthy color, even an unpleasant smell – fungal disease symptoms.
- Incorrect nail care. When you take care of your nails, do a manicure, the nail file must be held strictly perpendicular to the working surface. Don't bend your nail. If the nails exfoliate – do not use a metal nail file, it is too hard. The thinner the nail plate, the finer the nail file should be.
- Destruction by water and detergents. The composition of modern detergents, for the most part, leaves much to be desired. The chemical compounds included in it are very aggressive and destroy nails. Even tap water itself, with constant contact, can affect the condition of the nail plate, making it soft and brittle.
- Harmful varnishes. The poor quality of cosmetic products, in particular nail polish, is also the cause of this problem. The use of nail polish remover containing acetone also does not bring them health. Also, do not abuse the frequent change of varnish colors.
- Domestic injuries. Often we use our nails as a scraper or screwdriver. As a result, they are under stress. Do not injure your nails, and they will stop exfoliating.
Treatment of split nails at home
If your nails are in poor condition, there is an opportunity to treat them at home:
- Add extra nail nutrition. These can be cosmetic oils or cuticle creams. Rub into the nail growth area and cuticles. The products themselves and the accompanying massage will improve blood circulation, and the nail will be healthy and strong.
- Get in the habit of doing housework while wearing rubber gloves. This will give your nails a long and healthy life.
- Fortress nails can add baths with sea salt. Give this procedure three days a week and hard nails will not keep you waiting.
- Use medicated nail polishes for brittle nails. They will create a protective film and saturate the nail with vitamins.
- You can try the "sealing" cosmetic procedure nail, when vitamins, trace elements and protein are applied in layers to the nail. Substances applied in this way remain inside for a long time and nourish the plate.
If the above remedies do not have the desired effect, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the problem lies deep inside the body and it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations.
Now you know why nail splitting occurs, and you can confront this trouble with our portal.
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