The mass infestation with parasites that can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms and life-threatening complications is due to insufficient information, education of the population, as well as ineffective diagnosis and lack of timely treatment. There are three groups of parasites that can cause disease in humans: protozoa, helminths, and ectoparasites. The last group includes ticks and lice that parasitize from the outside. For this reason, they are quite easy to detect on your own. As for protozoa and helminths, the symptoms of their presence in the body can be varied and not immediately arouse suspicion in the patient.
Why is it dangerous to ignore the symptoms of helminths in the body?
The human body – an attractive habitat for many parasites. If we are talking about helminths, these creatures are not only unpleasant, but also quite dangerous for our body. First, they use the nutrients that we get from food to maintain life. Secondly, their waste products are toxic to humans. Thirdly, some helminths (and there are a whole lot of them) are able to penetrate the vital organs and impair their work.
For the above reasons, many people, fearing for their health, regularly take various folk remedies and drugs, such as bactefort, when they begin to suspect the presence of symptoms of helminths in the body. However, this approach, taking into account the diversity of these parasites and the symptoms that appear when they are present in the body, is not optimal. It is better to seek help from a qualified parasitologist or therapist. To do this, you need to know:
- symptoms of helminth infection;
- methods for diagnosing helminthiasis.
If you have symptoms of helminths, you should consult a doctor.
What symptoms of the presence of helminths in the body should not be ignored?
There are many symptoms that may indicate the presence of helminths in the body, but even a doctor without various tests will not be able to diagnose you based on such signs, since they may indicate the presence of other diseases or problems in the body. The symptoms that appear in a person in the presence of helminths include:
- constipation, diarrhea and flatulence;
- irritable bowel syndrome;
- pain in muscles and joints;
- allergic reactions;
- granulomas;
- skin problems, including acne, rashes, redness, itching, etc.;
- anemia;
- unreasonable weight gain or loss;
- grinding teeth in sleep;
- constant fatigue;
- impaired functioning of the immune system;
- sleep disorders;
- cough;
- periodic fever without signs of a cold;
- increased nervousness, irritability, mood swings, etc.
Of course, when one or more of the above symptoms of helminths appear, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy and buy the first medicine that comes across. The smart thing to do is to see a doctor who can determine if another medical condition is causing your symptoms. Also, for diagnostic purposes, he will prescribe the necessary tests.
What diagnostic methods are used if the patient complains of helminth symptoms?
There is a standard stool test that is done to detect helminths or their eggs. However, the results of such diagnostics are not always accurate due to the peculiarities of the life cycle of this group of parasites. A hibernating helminth may not be detected by standard analysis.
It is also possible to perform a more accurate, detailed fecal analysis, which allows you to identify a non-living or dormant parasite using special technology.
Despite the fact that the analysis of feces – the most common diagnostic method, in case of suspicion of helminthiases, especially in acute stages, studies may also be prescribed:
- blood;
- urine;
- bile;
- sputum;
- muscle tissue;
- duodenal contents;
- rectal and perianal mucus.
Ultrasound, CT and endoscopy with biopsy may also be prescribed to clarify the localization of helminths.
The doctor selects treatment for helminth infection based on the type of parasite (determined by tests), age, body weight and other factors, therefore self-treatment in this case is not only ineffective, but also dangerous.
The doctor selects treatment for helminth infection based on the type of parasite (determined by tests), age, body weight and other factors, therefore self-treatment in this case is not only ineffective, but also dangerous.
As far as prevention is concerned, in order to avoid recurrence of helminth symptoms and related problems, it is necessary to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene, thoroughly wash raw fruits, vegetables and herbs before consumption, ensure that meat and fish are thoroughly cooked, as well as proper care of domestic animals (vaccination, deworming).
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