Are you 30 years old and do you think that menopause is still far away? Are you taking hormonal contraceptives with confidence that it is safe? Then you should read this article, where you will notice a clear connection with early menopause and hormonal contraceptives.
Scientists have long concluded that this contraception accelerates the decline of reproductive function. offers to understand such a statement in order to help you maintain women's health.
You will learn about what is early decline of reproductive function and at what age it can occur, what are the causes of this phenomenon.
1. Early menopause: what is it and when to prepare for it
2. Why does an early menopause occur in women
3. Early menopause and hormonal contraception: making a connection
4. Early menopause: what are the signs of the phenomenon
Early menopause: what is it and when to prepare for it
Climax – a natural phenomenon, which, according to the description, is similar to autumn, when the body begins to prepare for winter (old age). Menopause is a natural process when the reproductive function of the body fades away.
Usually the beginning of the period comes to 50 years, but more and more often we are faced with early menopause, which begins at 40 years. Every year the age decreases, and the phenomenon cannot be called a rarity.
First of all, the development of the problem of early menopause is influenced by lifestyle. Bad ecology, frequent stresses negatively affect the female body.
And although outwardly beautiful the floor may look "excellent", but the condition of the body is far from satisfactory.
Why does an early menopause occur in women
Biologically, menopause occurs when the ovaries run out of follicles.
The depleted potential of the organ leads to menopause, and the beginning of early menopause is accompanied by the following situations:
• the girl was born as an unwanted child or from a test tube;
• the future mother has problems during pregnancy or during childbirth;
• the girl suffered many diseases in her childhood;
• the child lacked the love of parents, because this also affects the condition of the ovaries;
• the woman regularly uses hormonal contraceptives;
• a woman is subject to stress, insomnia, improper diet and other "joys"; modern life.
Due to the above situations, the potential of the ovaries in the future woman can be significantly reduced.
Early menopause and hormonal contraception: making a connection
Today it is possible to observe the onset of menopause in women as early as 20 years. Why does it happen?
Young age and menopause seem to be incompatible things, but with regular use of hormonal contraceptives, a similar phenomenon – just a matter of time.
Doctors have recognized the fact that it is hormonal contraception that is the strongest factor that suppresses ovarian function.
With long-term medication, the ovaries fade quickly and menopause occurs at a young age.
By deciding to constantly use hormonal contraceptives, a woman will not only lose the opportunity to have a baby earlier, but and destroy her own inner nature.
Early menopause: what are the signs of the phenomenon
Early menopause caused by taking hormonal contraceptives is called artificial, although it passes just like a real menopause.
The process has the following symptoms that will help you identify if there is a problem:
• stopping taking contraceptives, the cycle disappears: is there no menstruation or ovulation;
• it is impossible to get pregnant, and if it occurs, it ends in a miscarriage;
• woman gains significant weight;
• skin problems appear (acne appears);
• emotional breakdowns occur;
• hot flashes occur;
• there are problems with other organs.
Early menopause – this is the decline of reproductive function at a young age, which, under certain conditions, can occur even at 20 years old.
Which type of contraception to choose is up to the woman to decide for herself. Taking medications affects her health.
As you can see, the connection between early menopause and hormonal contraception is obvious. Since the latter, with long-term use, has an overwhelming effect on the ovaries, and the onset of menopause depends on the extinction of the ovaries.
It is possible to remain attractive even when menopause sets in, but you can't go against nature. Therefore, take care of yourself and your health in order to remain a full-fledged woman longer.
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