Точечный массаж от заложенности носа и головной боли

Nasal congestion – one of the most unpleasant phenomena that prevents the free flow of air from the nose. Symptoms of nasal congestion are: runny nose, sinus pain, cough, headache, shortness of breath, fever, loss of smell and swelling of the tissues of the nose.

Many people try their best to avoid using nasal congestion products because they are afraid of getting used to various kinds of drops. Therefore, estet-potal.com presents to your attention the acupressure technique for nasal congestion, which will help get rid of discomfort and breathe not through the mouth, but as it should be – nose. 

Nasal congestion causes – a cold is not always to blame

Many people believe that the cause of nasal congestion can only be a cold. However, it is not. These reasons can be:

  • exposure to low temperatures;
  • addiction to narcotic substances or medicines;
  • allergies caused by food, animal hair, drugs, smoke, etc.;
  • increased dustiness of the room;
  • pungent odors;
  • pregnancy;
  • smoking addiction;
  • colds;
  • spicy food.

People with sinusitis often experience nasal congestion that prevents them from breathing. Prolonged use of medicinal sprays and nasal drops can worsen a person's condition. There are various ways to get rid of this problem, but there is also a simple method to get rid of nasal congestion without the use of any drugs or equipment – this is acupressure.

Acupressure massage for nasal congestion – step by step description

Nose Warmer

Rub your hands to warm them up. Now, with the palm of your right hand, rub the tip of your nose. To warm up the nose, rub its tip 20 times in a circular motion with the palm of your hand. Repeat the movement in the opposite direction. Such warming movements should be performed at least 5 times a day – this will not only help relieve nasal congestion without drops and sprays, but also prevent it from getting worse.

In case of sinus problems and pain


With the thumb of one hand, press hard on the ligament between the thumb and forefinger of the other hand. Stay in this position for two minutes. This will help reduce irritation and pain in the nose.

Attention! Pregnant women are strongly discouraged from using this technique, since stimulation of this point can lead to & nbsp; premature contractions.

Massage for stuffy nose – impact on the bridge of the nose


Area near the nasal septum and eye socket – the most vulnerable place for nasal congestion. Press on these points with the tips of your thumbs or middle fingers for 5 minutes. You can press them alternately, but with simultaneous stimulation, you will get rid of a runny nose faster, as well as relieve pain and nasal congestion without any effort.

Massage of points located on the sides of the nostrils


Place your index fingers on the sides of both nostrils in line with your pupils; You should rest your fingers on the cheekbone. This point is used in acupuncture to treat nasal congestion. Press these points with your fingers and hold them in this position for 4 minutes. Repeat the procedure several times.

Massage of points at the base of the skull


Place your hands behind your head so that your thumbs are behind your ears. Feel the base of the skull with your thumbs, press firmly on these two points and rub them for several minutes. Use this massage for nasal congestion daily to get rid of nasal congestion and headache.

Point in the fossa under the back of the head


A recess can be found at the junction of the head and neck. In the figure, this point is marked with the letter A. Place your middle finger on it and apply pressure for 4 minutes. Stimulating this point will also help relieve headaches and nervous tension.

Clavicle point massage


Place your middle fingers in the grooves under your collarbone and over your breastbone. Press these points for 5 minutes – this procedure helps not only to fight sinus infection, but also strengthens the immune system.

The above nasal massage techniques will also be helpful in preventing colds.

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