Всего 10 минут таких тренировок и 100 калорий как не бывало

Just one small but delicious chocolate bar can make us pay for hours for a fleeting weakness in the gym. What can we say about the festive feasts, when everything is so delicious and you have to try everything, and then try to burn calories on the treadmill for a long time. It is insanely offensive that just one evening or one tiny sweetness can create so many problems. This injustice will be helped by special exercises that can neutralize 100 calories in just 10 minutes.

How to burn calories fast at the gym and at home

1. Climbing

You can run on level ground without any problem, but once you're faced with climbing up a sheer wall, you'll find it's not an easy task. Such a workout not only helps burn calories, but also shows how much excess weight bothers you.

2. Jumping Rope

Jumping Rope – the best way to speed up the pulse while staying in one place. If you stick to a moderate pace, in 10 minutes your body will lose approximately 107 calories. Not everyone is able to continuously jump rope for such a long time, therefore, as an option – alternate 40 seconds of training with 20 seconds of rest.


3. Stairs and burpees

Interval training – the best way to exercise the body. By combining exercises of different intensity, you can achieve really amazing results in a short period of time. For example, you can go up the stairs, make a few burpees at the top, go down and do the same several times for 10 minutes.


4. Exercise bikes

With an intense workout on a stationary bike, you can get rid of 139 calories in just 10 minutes.

5. Exercises with dumbbells

Calorie burns are great for simple dumbbell exercises done at the highest level of intensity. In addition to effectively eliminating excess weight, squats, jumps and swings with dumbbells help to gain beautiful muscles.


6. Martial arts

Even if you don't make a great fighter, with heavy punching with a punching bag you can burn 107 calories in 10 minutes. To multiply the results, you can use gloves with weights, and then you will burn 3 times more calories.

7. Football

Intense chasing and dribbling can burn 107 calories in 10 minutes. In addition, football is a great workout for the whole body, including many different movements not only for the legs, but also for other muscle groups.

8. Jump training

The technique called plyometrics does not require any special equipment, but at the same time such training will save you 100 calories in 10 minutes. For this purpose, explosive and fast movements are used to develop muscle strength and speed.  One of the main exercises of this technique is the “jump in depth”.

9. Step aerobics

This type of activity is recognized as one of the most effective ways to burn calories in a short time. 10 minutes of training will be enough to burn 107 calories. To engage in such intense aerobics, you will need any stand that imitates a step.

10. Speed ​​up

If you're already into a certain sport and you're not seeing any results, try adding speed laps to your workout. When cycling, try to speed up for a while, when jogging, run up a hill, when swimming, swim faster, etc.


Keep in mind that small periods of greatest intensity should be followed by small periods of rest. We wish you productive training!

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