Диета Хейли Помрой для ускорения метаболизма

Who does not dream of eating delicious food and losing weight? In fact, this is quite possible. The diet, developed by nutritionist Hayley Pomeroy, promises to lose 10 kg in just 1 month, while you will not feel deprivation and hunger. Intrigued? Learn all about Haley Pomeroy's Metabolism Diet in this article.

Hayley Pomeroy's Metabolism Diet: Basic Nutrition Rules

The main goal of the Hayley Pomeroy diet – acceleration of metabolism. Thanks to this, the body itself burns fat, preventing its deposition on the sides, abdomen and thighs. In addition, those fat deposits that have already accumulated are burned.

The most pleasant bonus of the diet to speed up the metabolism of Hayley Pomeroy is that the kilograms that were dropped due to its observance, most likely will not come back. This happens because a person loses weight due to the calories burned, and not the removal of excess water from the body.

Rule 1: Frequent Meals

Whether you are hungry or not, you should eat every 2-3 hours. Thus, in just a day, 3 full meals and 2 snacks should take place. Due to malnutrition and infrequent nutrition, the metabolism slows down, while frequent meals can speed up the metabolism and contribute to weight loss.

Portions should not be large so that the body has time to process food before the next snack. Each serving at the same time consists of complex carbohydrates and proteins. Protein helps build muscle mass, while complex carbohydrates help stabilize blood insulin levels.

Rule 2: No Harmful Foods

Of course, there are no miracles and it is impossible to overeat chocolate bars and still lose kilograms. Diet to speed up the metabolism provides for the rejection of sugar, caffeine, wheat, alcohol and milk. It is also forbidden to consume dried fruits, fruit juices, soy products, corn.

Rule 3 Breakfast within half an hour of waking up

For the Metabolism Diet to work, you should definitely eat at least something within half an hour of waking up. So the body will not work on the last energy resources.

Rule 4 Drinking enough water

For example, if your weight is 80 kg – drink 2.5 liters of water daily. It is also allowed to drink lemonades from fresh lemons and limes with the addition of natural sweeteners such as stevia and xylitol, herbal tea (without sugar, honey, syrup, etc.).  Remember, tea and lemonade are not included  in the required amount of water! Such drinks can be consumed no more than 2 times a day.

Rule 5: Consume only those foods that are allowed in phase

This is very important: in order to speed up your metabolism, in no case do not eat foods that are prohibited when following a diet.

Rule 6. Diet plan to speed up metabolism needs all 28 days

In accordance with the biological rhythm of the body, the program is designed for 28 days. At the same time, individual weeks can be repeated several times to achieve the best result. For the first time, you must absolutely follow all the rules and strictly adhere to the recommendations for 4 weeks, this is the only way to speed up your metabolism.

Rule 7. Phases are run in order

Each phase is designed with a specific purpose in mind (relieve stress, unlock fat stores, boost fat burning). The Metabolism Booster Diet only works if the plan is strictly adhered to.

Diet Phases to Boost Metabolism

The Metabolism Boost Diet is designed for 4 weeks, in turn, each week consists of 3 phases.

Days 1 and 2 – Phase 1 – relieve stress and soothe the adrenal glands. During this period, you should eat foods low in protein and fat. Prioritize foods high in carbohydrates (brown rice, wild rice), natural sugars (pineapple, mango), and foods rich in vitamins B and C (kiwi, oatmeal).

Phase 1 power plan:

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Recommended dishes. Open sandwich with turkey, chili beef, pork tenderloin with broccoli and pineapple, barley chicken soup, watermelon smoothie.

During  Phase 1 is recommended to engage in the following types of physical activity: aerobic exercise, running.

Days 3 and 4 – Phase 2 – unlock fat stores and start building muscle mass. It is recommended to consume low-fat and low-carb foods with a high protein content, vegetables. Green leafy vegetables, leafy greens, and low glycemic vegetables will do. During this period, grains and fruits should be avoided.

Recommended meals. Cabbage beef soup with leek, steak with spianach salad, egg white omelet with spinach and mushrooms, vegetable soup with chicken, stuffed mushrooms.

During Phase 2, the following types of physical activity are recommended: exercises with dumbbells and a barbell.

Phase 2 power plan:

Day 5 – 7 – Phase 3 – spur burning.  This phase involves eating foods that are rich in healthy fats and moderate in protein. It is allowed to eat fruits with a low glycemic index.

Recommended meals. Oatmeal with nuts and berries, shrimp salad, tomato and olive salad, turkey rolls with hummus, lentil stew, baked salmon with sweet potatoes. White beans with dill and hummus.

Phase 3 is recommended for the following physical activities: yoga, massage will also be helpful.

Phase 3 power plan:

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The author of the Metabolism Boost Diet Haley Pomeroy assures that her brainchild really works and in just a month it is possible to lose 10 extra pounds without starving and enjoying the taste of your favorite dishes.

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