Какие заболевания дочь может унаследовать от матери

World experts have identified a list of diseases and ailments transmitted through the female line. However, despite the fact that many diseases are already genetically determined from birth, it is possible to prevent their development by contacting specialists in time for help.

Breast cancer

The genetic link is 15%. The increased risk of inheriting mutated genes increases if the disease has overtaken a blood relative at a young age. For this reason, in some countries, women in families with cancer patients are encouraged to undergo genetic testing. Often, patients in whom the presence of mutated genes is confirmed immediately take the step of removing the mammary glands.

In addition, the risk of developing this disease may increase due to the use of hormonal drugs, smoking and drinking alcohol. So, if a woman knocks over at least two bottles of beer or more than 80 grams of spirits more than twice a week, the likelihood of developing breast cancer increases by 7%.


The development of depression is influenced by a group of genes that block the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) in the brain. So, depending on the form of the disease, the genetic link is 10-30%. However, it is possible to avoid the development of depression if you do not overwork, so as not to feel very tired, and also drink alcohol in moderation.


According to Dr. Kate Henry, an associate at New York University, the risk of inheriting this disease genetically is between 70 and 80%. By the way, the discovery of the gene that causes migraine occurred relatively recently, and if it does not work correctly, the pain centers in the brain awaken under the influence of various environmental factors (caffeine, noise, etc.).


In addition to the predisposition to develop diseases, it is possible to inherit fullness from their mothers. So, the probability that the daughter will also be plump is 40%, and if both parents have extra pounds – 70%. It is important to accustom yourself from adolescence to devote about 40 minutes every day to walking, which will help to reduce the risk of obesity by 30% in adulthood. 

According to Louise Sutton of the University of Leeds, the ability to improve physical fitness is genetically transmitted. In this case, the genetic link is 50%. Despite the fact that genes largely affect the appearance, abilities and health of a person, it is worth remembering that positive changes will not happen by themselves.

Source estet-portal.com 

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