How does the modern difficult life affect the work of plastic surgery clinics? On what basis do patients look for a clinic and choose a plastic surgeon? What tasks should a specialist in aesthetic surgery set for himself, offering the patient ways to correct his appearance? These and other questions were answered by a well-known surgeon - a specialist with recognition, reputation and a large team of talented students.

aleksandr-nerobeev-zadacha-plasticheskoj-operatsii-pomoch-patsientu-raskryt-ego-vnutrennyuyu-sushchnostAlexander Nerobeev, plastic surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Vice President of the Society for Aesthetic Medicine, General Director and Leading Plastic Surgeon of the Clinic for Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery " Art Clinic"

Economic hardship affects many areas of our lives. How do they affect plastic surgery?

- All patients, without exception, became interested in special offers and discounts, regardless of income level and whether they are regular clients of the clinic. If we talk about the number of plastic surgeries, it has not decreased. But the time for making a decision on surgical intervention has been noticeably reduced. If earlier a person could come for a consultation, and then take a long enough pause for reflection, now everyone is trying to set a specific date for the operation and are ready to make an advance payment, just to be sure that the cost of the medical service will not change.

Professional competition is especially high now. Which clinics, in your opinion, have advantages?

- Clinics with high technical equipment and academic approach to plastic surgery, of course, have advantages. It is important to remember that today there are many fashionable innovations in aesthetic surgery and cosmetology, but these innovations have not passed the necessary tests, have not proven their effectiveness and safety. Most patients prefer an approach that results in minimal tissue damage with maximum benefit.

There are surgeons who talk about their “handwriting” as an advantage, but there are different opinions on this matter. What do you think about this?

- This is more of a marketing ploy and such an internal term for conversations between specialists. There is a basic school, which is the basis of the profession, the experience and professionalism of a doctor is already being built on this foundation. If you think about it, what is "author's handwriting"? Does this mean that everyone leaves such a surgeon with the same nose or eye shape? If so, then this phenomenon is hardly worth evaluating in a positive way.

It's an illusion to think that you can go to a doctor and order him a specific appearance. It is either impossible to radically "reshape" the face and body, or such work will be very striking, which also cannot be called a success. A competent specialist always starts from the individual - both physical and personal - characteristics of the patient. The task of plastic surgery is to make a person an improved version of himself, but not to turn him into another person. Helping a patient to discover his essence and blossom is so interesting!

What advice would you give to patients who are looking for "their" plastic surgeon?

- Word of mouth is probably the most reliable source of information about a doctor. However, there is one thing: this resource has partially migrated to the Internet, thereby losing its former reliability. Therefore, most of all it is worth trusting those who themselves visited this or that specialist and were satisfied with what they received. Often, new patients are brought to the clinic by the hand of its regular clients.

There are also indirect signs that give an idea of ​​the surgeon's qualifications: his experience, reviews about him on the clinic's website, photos of patients in the "before" and "after" format. Although the portfolio does not always reflect reality: alas, some doctors are not averse to using Photoshop.

Of course, the clinic must have a medical license for the services provided. There must be all conditions for resuscitation.

As a rule, if the patient initially completely trusts the doctor, is sure that they understand him and do everything exactly as he needs, the outcome of the operation is better.

How do you feel about the idea of ​​introducing a consultation with a psychologist before plastic surgery as a mandatory procedure? Would that be a justified measure?

- The idea of ​​a mandatory preliminary consultation with a psychologist has been trying to be realized for a long time. 90% of plastic surgeons would be happy to meet such an innovation. For most people, plastic surgery is a psychologically stressful event, especially when it comes to facial surgery. When a person is not mentally prepared, this can greatly affect both his perception of the results obtained and the rehabilitation process. On the other hand, there are addicted natures who make one plastic surgery after another and cannot stop - they also need the help of a psychologist.

Often, realizing that they are trying to "probe" it from the standpoint of psychology, a person becomes alert and begins to assure that he is normal. But someone really does not need a surgeon's scalpel. For example, an objectively pretty woman comes to the doctor, for some reason dissatisfied with her appearance: this is where the psychologist should get involved in order to understand what worries her - real shortcomings or a subjective belief in her ugliness. Before making a decision about plastic surgery, it is important to understand the patient's inner motives.

According to "Beauty and Health, 2015"

Plastic surgery today has reached such a level that allows specialists to literally sculpt the desired contour of the face and body. VIPS - Virtual Plastic Surgery - a new direction in plastic surgery, born on the verge of art and 3D technologies:

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