In helminthiases, parasites can exist in the host organism for a long time without showing symptoms. However, in people whose immune system is weakened, manifestations of helminthiases can be in the form of allergic reactions. Allergic reactions can be systemic and local in nature and manifest as a skin rash or other symptoms. So, systemic allergic reactions can develop with echinococcosis in cases where there is a rupture of an echinococcal cyst. With mild reactions, only an urticarial rash appears. What are the manifestations of helminthiases, read on

Manifestations of helminthiasis in toxocariasis and strongyloidiasis

Broncho-obstructive syndrome is characteristic of toxocariasis, often manifested by coughing, bouts of shortness of breath, and a short-term increase in body temperature. Read more about causes, dangers and treatments for toxocariasis at A previous acute viral infection, a burdened allergic history can change the direction of the diagnostic search, as a result of which the diagnosis is established rather late from the onset of clinical manifestations, and therefore inadequate treatment is carried out.

In the early stage of strongyloidiasis, the leading clinical syndrome of manifestation of such helminthiasis can be a pulmonary syndrome with dry and wet cough, bouts of shortness of breath, fever, shortness of breath, hypereosinophilic leukocytosis, and an x-ray picture of migrating eosinophilic infiltrates. If they are present, it is necessary to carry out differential diagnostics with diseases of an allergic nature, systemic diseases and other helminthiases.

Manifestations of helminthiasis in cercariasis and dirofilariasis

In schistosomatid cercariasis, allergic reactions are often the only clinical manifestations of helminthiasis. These diseases are also known under the names "bather's itch", "swimmer's itch" and are caused by schistosome larvae of many mammals and birds. Parasites enter the skin when swimming in freshwater or salt water, after 10-15 minutes there is a tingling sensation, then an itchy papular and urticarial rash appears, which can persist for several days.

Itchy rashes, very similar to allergic dermatitis, are accompanied by the penetration of a scabies mite under the skin of a person. Often, the diagnosis of scabies is not made in time, which leads to prolonged suffering of the child, nervousness, sleep and appetite disturbance, secondary infection of the skin, unreasonable unsuccessful treatment.


A picture similar to recurrent angioedema and conjunctivitis is observed with dirofilariasis.

Clinical manifestations of dirofilariasis helminthiasis:

  • moving limited edema in various parts of the body - under the skin of the abdomen, thighs, most often on the face and under the conjunctiva of the eye;
  • possible eosinophilia in peripheral blood;
  • diagnosis based on surgical removal of the helminth;
  • Difficulties in diagnosing dirofilariasis are explained by the lack of a clear epidemiological history, the relative rarity of this pathology;
  • Despite the expansion of diagnostic capabilities with the introduction of molecular biological methods for diagnosing helminthiases, the problem of dirofilariasis is becoming more and more urgent.

Recurrent urticaria may be a manifestation of helminthiasis

Cutaneous larva migrans syndrome must be differentiated from allergic dermatitis, streptoderma, herpetic eruptions. In the initial stage, an itchy vesicle appears at the site of penetration of the larva, which then looks like moving filamentous stripes localized on the feet, buttocks, in the perineum, less often on the trunk.

The torpidity of the course of chronic recurrent urticaria in children is often due to pseudo-allergic reactions caused by intestinal helminths or pathogenic protozoa.

According to some epidemiological studies, Giardia cysts are found in 62% of children with chronic recurrent urticaria and Quincke's edema.

Thus, in cases of non-specific systemic clinical manifestations of helminthiases, the leading pathogenetic role is played by immune disorders in the form of allergic reactions of varying intensity in the early stage of helminthiases and immunopathological reactions in chronic helminthiasis and intracellular parasitosis.

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