Vaginal rejuvenation is considered by many to be an aesthetic procedure that has a small list of indications for use. However, this procedure has a very wide range of possibilities and can be used for a number of medical indications, and can also significantly improve the quality of life of a patient with certain gynecological problems. For some questions about what possibilities the vaginal photothermolysis procedure has, when this technique is especially effective, what it can be combined with to enhance the effect, and much more - we offer answers from the expert.

chto-dolzhen-znat-ginekolog-o-vozmozhnostyakh-vaginalnogo-omolozheniyaMaria Glebovna Sokolova, gynecologist of the highest category, Virtus Clinic

What options of vaginal rejuvenation should gynecologists know about?

Doctors, first of all, need to know about the very fact of the existence of this kind of assistance in Ukraine, not considering it the prerogative of US or Italian clinics. It is important for medical specialists to understand the mechanism of action of the method,
indications and contraindications for intervention.

In what cases do you think gynecologists would recommend a combination of drug therapy and vaginal rejuvenation methods to patients?

Drug therapy in combination with laser exposure is indicated in cases where the reasons for laser intervention in endocrine pathology, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogynecological sphere, chronic stress, and many concomitant diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, are determined.

What are the medical indications for vaginal rejuvenation?

Medical indications for vaginal photothermolysis are:

  • atrophic changes in the vaginal mucosa - dryness, pain during sexual contact, frequent inflammatory diseases,
  • stress urinary incontinence,
  • vulvar kraurosis, lichen sclerosus,
  • vaginal relaxation syndrome (wide vagina syndrome) - occurs in young women after traumatic vaginal delivery, childbirth with a large fetus, who gave birth many times,
  • prolapse of the vaginal walls,
  • age-related changes in the external genitalia - loss of tone, pigmentation,
  • cicatricial changes of the vagina and perineum, decreased sensitivity.

What gynecological pathologies are laser techniques especially effective for? What is their advantage?

Laser treatment is especially effective for atrophic diseases of the vulvovaginal region, stress urinary incontinence, vaginal relaxation syndrome.

The obvious advantage of the method lies in the sparing effect, without surgery and general anesthesia with associated risks, in a short and comfortable rehabilitation period. And, of course, in a long-term effect due to the activation of the synthesis of the collagen framework by its own fibroblasts, which continues a month after the procedure.

In addition, the intervention is painless and safe. The main risk of the procedure is an insufficient clinical effect, which is offset by an additional treatment session.

For what aesthetic purposes can vaginal rejuvenation be used?

To eliminate the prolapse of the vaginal walls, eliminate hyperpigmentation, increase the tone and elasticity of the labia majora and minor, reduce the severity of cicatricial deformity.

What treatments can it be combined with to improve the effect?

The Virtus clinic uses a unique complex using the patient's own platelet-rich plasma, with lipofilling, treatment of depigmentation zones with melanocytes, injection of fibroblasts when the mucosal cell reserve is depleted, with stem cell treatment, with traditional methods of drug therapy.

Are there any contraindications for vaginal rejuvenation?

Unconditional contraindications for vaginal rejuvenation are:

  • pregnancy and the first 8 weeks postpartum,
  • menstruation,
  • malignant neoplasms of the female genital area,
  • Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding,
  • blood clotting disorders,
  • taking drugs that reduce blood clotting and / or have a photosensitizing effect,
  • active infectious and/or inflammatory process of the urogenital area,
  • progressive benign gynecological diseases (fibroids, endometriosis),
  • untreated precancerous conditions (dysplasia, leukoplakia),
  • somatic diseases in the stage of decompensation (uncontrolled diabetes, liver, kidney failure, etc.).

The doctor has the right to refuse to perform the operation on the patient in the absence of an appropriate amount of examinations, as well as if the patient is unable to adhere to the doctor's recommendations.

What are the features of rehabilitation after the procedure of vaginal rejuvenation?

The duration of the rehabilitation period is 48-72 hours. During this time, the doctor may recommend that you adhere to a special regimen of intimate hygiene without the use of gels, soaps. Sometimes it is advisable to use topical gels or foams that improve mucosal recovery. For a period of 2-3 days, vaginal sex and the use of tampons are excluded. Depending on the operating mode of the laser used during the procedure and the psychological characteristics of the patient, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, paracetamol) may be prescribed for the first 24 hours after the treatment.

In order for the rehabilitation period after any intervention, including vaginal rejuvenation, to pass without discomfort and complications, a positive attitude of the patient is critical.

Trust the doctor and be healthy!

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